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Oct 2021
People seem to be really offended that I don't like a mainstream Hollywood horror. This reminds me of that time on imdb where I hated on 'Inside' and people thought I had to be trolling so they banned me. I'd lost my account of many years, hundreds of ratings and posts, and dozens of reviews. Glad to see the good old days haven't gone away completely. But you can't ban me here! I run this dump! Well, actually... I did the dumbest thing ever and made a way that you can get rid of me, but fuck if I'll ever tell you how!

Definition of paranormal: Events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding. Our heroine has recurring visions of a killer with electrokinesis. MY BAD IF THAT SEEMS PARANORMAL TO ME.

And yes, I know the twist and I've seen it done before. Technically not a ghost, but it plays out very much like your usual J-horror, which I've never been a fan of, so does my opinion of this movie really surprise anyone? That's like expecting Johan to like First Blood or The Thing.

This movie is definitely flashy, too. Besides the literal sense of lights flashing and jump cuts and erratic movements, this movie reminds me of another turkey I saw and hated called "Lights Out". Wan may say he was inspired by the old giallo, but I think he must have pulled from this movie too, thinking he could do it better because he's considered an A-lister.

Bonkers ending or not, I simply didn't care enough by that point, and buckets of blood and mindfuckery can't fix everything. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for my (lack of) integrity, I can't give this movie another shot because my HBO Max subscription ran out yesterday.

markus-san says:

Oct 2021 *
No one is offended. Just don't put comments like "ghost garbage" when it's clearly not a ghost movie. It doesn't play out like a Ringu or a Ju-On at all, well, I don't remember a John Wick-esque action scene in the middle of those. Although no doubt J-horror is one of many influences. It was clearly closer to a movie like Basket Case, or several giallo, as a lot of people have noted. And the whole "heroine having visions of a killer" thing you raise as a reason as to why it's a paranormal movie was a bit of a red herring in the end, as you will have noted if you were paying attention. The whole parasitic twin angle is based on an actual scientific concept if you read the articles about the movie.

Anyway I don't think it's a case of not liking a mainstream Hollywood horror movie. You clearly have a hatred of all things James Wan with your "fuck James Wan" comments, for whatever reason. You went into Malignant expecting to hate it, and yep you hated it.

And what's the problem exactly with a horror movie being "flashy" in terms of how it is made? Because it's the antithesis of trashy? And you're a lover of all things trashy (this being TRASH EPICS not FLASH-Y EPICS). Well that's fine if flashy movies are not your cup of tea but that doesn't automatically make them "turkeys".

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Oct 2021
I actually don't hate all things James Wan. Death Sentence was alright, and Furious 7 was probably the last good entry of that series. I see he also produced MK, which I had plenty of fun with. I just hate how some people do a few horror films and become considered masters of the genre.

*cough* JORDAN PEELE *cough*

The Saw movies invented that infamous "torture porn" genre, and all his other horror flicks tend to deal with ghosts or possession, which has never been my forte. I actually wasn't entirely familiar with his filmography until I just googled it, so... IN MY PERSONAL OPINION... I find his tropes and tendencies to be one of the reasons people look down upon the genre. I never looked into who directed these movies, but that Conjuring universe can go straight to hell. I went into Malignant with no expectations because, like I said, I wasn't aware of the majority of his movies till now, but now I can say I officially have a pretty low opinion of him.

markus-san says:
#3, Reply to #2

Oct 2021 *
And I am not trying to defend him. He made Aquaman, one of the worst of the DC movies and I am not the biggest fan of his Insidious films either. Don't think I've rated a movie of his higher than a 7. As far I am concerned, he just makes the occasional decent, fairly original (for the modern era) horror movie, often producing better results than some of his peers but he certainly should not be considered a "master of the genre".

Don't think you can blame him for the "torture porn" subgenre, that was the fault of the sequels and of course Hostel came out about a year or so later. I think Eli Roth and Rob Zombie are probably equally as responsible. Although those two directors cited Audition as an influence, which then got blamed as an early prototype for the subgenre, which I think is unfair to that movie.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #3

Oct 2021
Yeah, I shouldn't blame him for the term, but it's easy to point the finger at the source of something's downfall, much like Nirvana is credited for the downfall of good rock music. I don't hate Nirvana, but they didn't do music any favors.

Part of the problem is that I used to work at a theater, so whether I knew it at the time or not, I had to walk in and do theater checks. I'd see bits of a lot of Wan's movies and they were chock full of jump scare nonsense and I thought to myself, "This is what people want in a horror movie?"

I can definitely accredit Hostel as the main source of that stupid term, and I'm glad Eli Roth has since branched out. RZ may be credited too, but I think that was more or less because of the era of his output, so he got lumped in with a lot of the others. He's incredibly hit or miss though, so I wont try to defend him.

OnyxHades says:

Oct 2021 *
I loved the movie! I thought it was a lot of fun, but I also love James Wan's horror movies. This definitely wasn't a paranormal ghost movie,but I see tons of Giallo influence from the camera angles to the colors. Even the weapon had an amazing Giallo feel to it. No ghosts at all, but it was a fun ride! It's actually my favorite movie of the year so far.emoticon

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #4

Oct 2021
I'll admit I didn't hate the movie at first. I liked the panning through the house bit, but as it went on, it veered into a direction that seemed more or less the same as any other ghost type of scares, whether it's ghosty or not. There's definitely giallo vibes, but to me, it felt overshadowed by the vibes of J-horror. Especially since the killer wears his/her hair over the face like a ghost straight out of a wishing well.

OnyxHades says:
#8, Reply to #6

Oct 2021 *
I don't see that much J horror in it at all. Maybe one, and it would be a stretch, could possibly think it has similarities to the J horror Evil Dead Trap (1988). However, as I said it would be a stretch. Similar, but different I guess.

As for the hair on the villian's face, it makes sense to me considering where the face is located. I'm hoping Troma watches it soon and he can add his thoughts to it.

markus-san says:
#10, Reply to #8

Oct 2021
As for the hair on the villian's face, it makes sense to me considering where the face is located.

Ditto, I was going to say that emoticon.

OnyxHades says:
#11, Reply to #10

Oct 2021

Box_a_Hair says:
#13, Reply to #10

Oct 2021
Regardless of the reason for it, I still never understood why people found that kind of visage scary. That's like emos thinking they're dark and foreboding when they're the biggest posers ever.

OnyxHades says:
#14, Reply to #13

Oct 2021
Hair over the face is creepy to me because of what it could be hiding. Whether is some deformity or murderous intentions, anything with hiding the face makes me a bit uneasy. Hair over the face for a killer isn't that much different from a killer wearing a mask.

Box_a_Hair says:
#15, Reply to #14

Oct 2021
What do you think of Cousin It? In the new ones, he's voiced by Snoop Dogg. That's pretty frightening.

OnyxHades says:
#17, Reply to #15

Oct 2021 *
Snoop Dogg is terrifying. I can't ever remember if Cousin It is from The Addams Family or The Munsters.

markus-san says:
#18, Reply to #13

Oct 2021 *

When I saw the original Ring on DVD, I thought the cover (as above) was pretty freaky and made me curious enough to want to watch it. And I did find it scary because I hadn't seen anything like it before. Since then of course, thanks due in part to the US remakes and also countless other J-horrors trying to cash in on it's success, the image has become so inbedded in modern horror cliches that yeah, it is no longer scary.

Box_a_Hair says:
#19, Reply to #18

Oct 2021
Remakes and overexposure ruin a lot of things. I remember the Evil Dead remake tried to be J-horror as well and that lead to a lot of eye rolling.

Didn't Scary Movie 3 parody this in some way? Like she bumps into a wall because she can't see through her hair or something?

markus-san says:
#20, Reply to #19

Oct 2021
Haven't seen it but sounds like something those movies would do. By turning something that used to be scary into a slapstick joke, yeah kind of ruins the effect.

markus-san says:
#12, Reply to #6

Oct 2021 *
it veered into a direction that seemed more or less the same as any other ghost type of scares, whether it's ghosty or not.

But that was the entire point. To mislead the audience and throw in a few red herrings. But once the twist is revealed I don't think you can compare to any other modern horror movie. That last 30 minutes is like nothing else.

And as Onyx says, the J-horror link is pretty thread bare.

markus-san says:
#7, Reply to #4

Oct 2021 *
I think Argento's influence was pretty prevalent throughout, as you say the camera angles and use of colour reminded me of Suspiria or Tenebrae. The way the killer stalked their victims too. And of course a bit of Cronenberg in there also.

OnyxHades says:
#9, Reply to #7

Oct 2021 *
Exactly! I was thinking about Suspiria as I watched it. Especially with the red lights and color pallette.

Tommix says:
#25, Reply to #4

May 2022
Onyx, do you think it was supposed to be a horror/comedy? How about Troma, what does he think? I felt like a lot of scenes had a real comedic vibe to them, just because they were so extreme, or sometimes because it felt like they were making fun of tropes. I just rambled about this in a response to Bos, later on in this thread, please tell me what you think if you have a sec, and ask Troma too.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.