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Jack Frost 2

Oct '21
What better way to start off the Halloween season than to watch a Christmas movie set on a tropical island? Since I have the worst taste in movies, this is a no-brainer.

For no reason, a group of scientists revive the killer snowman from the last movie, and he somehow manages to travel 2000 something miles to a Caribbean island resort where our sheriff and his wife are taking a vacation. The first movie was dumb, but this one is definitely dumber and with shittier effects.

The kills are funny. Is that swimsuit model not excited enough? Here's some ice for her to rub on her nips. Evil ice! And that stupid guy with the eye patch made me laugh due to the redundant stock music that accompanied him. Naturally, the only way to one-up a movie about a killer snowman is for him to have multiple killer snowman babies, right?

In a bizarre and unfortunate twist, I looked up the lead actor Christopher Allport who plays the sheriff in both films and found out he died in 2008. Cause of death? A goddamn avalanche! Did Jack Frost win? emoticon



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