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Jul 2021
At least he got through last year, right? Dude was pretty fuckin' old, but I'd heard news even recently that he was still interested in doing Lethal Weapon 5. Of course, that could have been dementia talking for all we know, just to make us LW fans aroused, but whatever. The point is that he was active for a while and kept the dream of directing alive, because a good filmmaker doesn't let age stop him from having a vision.

I could care less about the Superman movies. DC isn't exactly my cup of tea, especially when it comes to an invincible superhero, so my favorite of his earlier work is easily one of the most tense films I've ever seen: The Omen.

God, that movie gave me nightmares. I couldn't watch it often because I wanted to retain that creep factor, but it's a great fucking movie. One of the scariest I've seen.

Besides my apparent love for Lethal Weapon, I also love The Goonies. It's a childhood favorite and staple of 80s pop culture. Just a fun fun movie.

Then, to get relevant with our primordial interests, he was a producer of Tales from the Crypt. I'm currently almost done with Tales from the Darkside and can't help but compare the two, whereas Crypt was a much more vivid experience. Star-studded and effects heavy, it was a horror fan's wet dream (much like how Creepshow is today). Of course, there were a handful of great producers involved in that show, but Donner was part of the team, so a special thanks to him for leaving a great experience for budding horror fans (I was very young when it came out).

How do you feel about Richard Donner's filmography? What are your faves?



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