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Nov '20
Because why not? I had a lot of fun with this loose and seasonal challenge, because Christmas stuff is in abundance, so you might as well get points for it.

December 1st, 2020 --- January 1st, 2021

What Counts?

Movie or TV. Christmas must play a noticable part in the film/episode. Yes, Die Hard and Lethal Weapon count.

For good measure, New Years also counts, but only from December 26th onward!

Viewings will only count once (No rewatches)

How to Get Points

+1 point per minute watched

Bonus Points:

+5 points per kill
+5 points if someone kisses under the mistletoe
+5 points if a character hates Christmas
+5 points if there's a Christmas office party
+10 points if someone learns the true meaning of Christmas
+10 points if someone "ruins" Christmas
+15 points if there's a Christmas-related killer other than Santa
+25 points if there's a killer Santa

Mark your Spots

Box_a_Hair says:

Dec '20 *

Day 1:
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) 47 min = 47
Frosty the Snowman (1969) 25 min = 25
Batman Returns (1992) 126 min +5 mistletoe lick = 131
Day 2: Jingle All the Way (1996) 94 min + office party = 99
Day 3:
Jack Frost (1997) 89 min + 9(*5) kills + killer snowman(15) = 149
Black Christmas (2019) 92 min + at least 18 kills (rounding down) = 182
Day 4: Better Watch Out (2016) 89 min + 3(*5) kills = 104
Day 5: The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) 76 min + ruins(10) + mistletoe(5) = 91
Day 6:
Edward Scissorhands (1990) 105 + 1(*5) kills = 110
Frosty Returns (1992) 24 min = 24
Home Alone (1990) 103 min = 103
Day 9: At least 6 Simpsons Christmas episodes = 6*20 min = 120
Day 13: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) 120 min = 120
Day 15: Lethal Weapon (1987) 109 min + at least 20(*5) kills = 209
Day 16:
Die Hard (1988) 132 min + 5 office party + at least 20(*5) kills = 237
Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990) 124 min + at least 20(*5) kills (EXCLUDING PLANE CRASH KILLS, otherwise it'd be 271 kills) = 224
Day 18: Fatman (2020) 100 min + 15(*5) kills = 175
Day 20: Slay Belles (2018) 77 min + 15 krampus killer + 8(*5) kills = 132
Day 22: Daddy's Home 2 (2017) 98 min
Day 28:
New Years Evil (1980) 85 min + 7(*5) kills = 120
Terror Train (1980) 97 min + at least 9(*5) kills = 142
Day 31: End of Days (1999) 122 min + at least (11*5) kills = 177

Total: 2819

ZombieCPA says:

Dec '20
What counts as a "kill" in a zombie movie. You know I am going to be watching the zombie Christmas movies.

1) Zombie kills human (obviously counts).
2) Zombie bites human and turns human into zombie. (I would think this should count. Zombies are the walking dead.)
3) Human kills zombie. (Not sure if this counts or not. If so, then number 2 should not count.)

The problem number 3 is too many points are going to rack up. 61 kills in Anna and the Apocalypse if you include humans killing zombies.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Dec '20
I would say that zombies are already considered "killed" and should not count. If the person is alive and gets turned, that could count because the zombie was more or less directly responsible for the "death" of the character. So turnings should count, zombies in general should not.

Ballz says:

Dec '20 *
1. Bottom S02E05: Holy (1992): 29 min = 29

2. To All a Goodnight (1980): 87 min + 12 kills + killer Santa = 172

3. Jack Frost (1997): 89 min + 9 kills + killer snowman = 149

4. Secret Santa (2018): 88 min + 8 kills + hates Christmas = 133

5. Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000): 93 min + at least 13 kills + killer snowman = 173

6. Don't Open Till Christmas (1984): 86 min + 14 kills = 156

7. Lethal Weapon (1987): 109 min + at least 20 kills = 209

8. Creepshow Holiday Special (2020): 45 min + at least 20 kills = 145

9. Fatman (2020): 95 min + 14 kills = 165

10. Gremlins (1984): 106 min + 2 kills = 116

11. Christmas Evil (1980): 94 min + 4 kills + office party + killer Santa = 144

12. Mixed Nuts (1994): 96 min + 1 kill = 101
13. Northern Exposure S03E10: Seoul Mates (1991): 45 min = 45

14. New Year's Evil (1980): 85 min + 7 kills = 120

Total: 1857

ZombieCPA says:

Dec '20 *
1. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) 47 min = 47 points.

2. Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) 93 minutes. 11 kills = 55 points. Killer zombie snowman = 15 points. Total = 163 points.

3. Santa Jaws (2018) 87 minutes. 9 kills = 45 points. Killer Santa shark = 15 points. Total = 147 points.

4. Mercy Christmas (2017) 83 minutes. 9 kills = 45 points. Character hates Christmas= 5 points. Christmas office party = 5 points. Total = 138 points.

5. Holiday Hell (2019) 100 minutes. 16 kills = 80 points. Christmas office party = 5 points. Killer Santa = 25 points. Total = 210 points.

6. Sugarplum (2017) - 49 minutes. Killer Sugarplum Fairy - 15 points. Total = 64 points.

7. All the Creatures Were Stirring (2018) - 80 minutes. 11 kills = 55 points. Killer reindeer = 15 points. Character hates Christmas= 5 points. Christmas office party = 5 points. Total = 160 points.

8.Santa's Slay (2005) -78 minutes. 41 kills = 205 points. Character hates Christmas= 5 points. kisses under the mistletoe = 5 points. Killer Santa = 25 points. Total = 318 points.

9. Game Over (1989) - 87 minutes. 5 kills = 25 points. Killer Santa = 25 points. Total = 137 points.

10. The Christmas Tree (1991) - 43 minutes.

11. Elves (1989) - 89 minutes. 8 kills = 40 points. Killer elf = 15 points. Total = 144 points.

12. Another WolfCop (2017) - 82 minutes. At least 33 kills = 165 points. Total = 247 points.

13. Creepshow Holiday Special (2020): 45 min. At least 20 dead Santas = 100 points. Killer Santa = 25 points. Total = 170 points.

14. Bewitched "A Vision of Sugar Plums" (1964) - 25 minutes. Total = 25 points.

15. Bewitched "Humbug Not to Be Spoken Here" (1967) - 25 minutes. Character hates Christmas= 5 points. Total = 30 points.

16. Father Knows Best: Home for Christmas (1977) - 88 minutes. 88 points.

17. A Christmas Story (1983) - 93 minutes. 93 points.

18. Elves (2018) - 80 minutes. 16 kills = 80 points. Killer elves = 15 points. Total = 175 points.

19. Ugly Sweater Party (2018) - 81 minutes. 30 kills = 150 points. Total = 231 points.

20. A Cadaver Christmas (2011) - 85 minutes. 5 kills = 25 points. Total = 110 points.

Total Points = 2,740

markus-san says:

Dec '20 *
Better late than never but I've watched and plan to watch enough "Christmas" movies to make it worth joining in. I can't be arsed with the bonus points though.

Krampus (2015): 98
Batman Returns (1992): 126
Die Hard (1988): 132
Die Hard 2 (1990): 125
Gremlins (1984): 107
The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two (2020): 112
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992): 120

Total: 820

NoseOfNicko says:

Dec '20 *
1. The Santa Clause (1994): 97 + 10 (true meaning of Christmas) = 107

2. Happiest Season (2020): 102 + 5 (hates Christmas) + 10 (ruins Christmas) = 117

3. The Family Man (2000): 125

4. The Christmas Chronicles (2018): 104 + 5 (mistletoe) = 109

5. Jingle All the Way (1996): 89 + 5 (office party) = 94

6. Christmas with the Kranks (2004): 99

7. Fatman (2020): 100 + 75 (15 kills) = 175

8. Bad Santa (2003): 92 + 5 (1 kill) = 97

Total movies: 8
Total points: 923

Tromafreak says:

Dec '20
1. Silent Night Deadly Night 2 (1987)

Box_a_Hair says:

Jan '21
A valiant effort from those who participated. It was easy to rack up points for this if one could be bothered to do so, with 1541 being the average points accumulated by participants. If anyone wants to finalize their score and total their points, get it done soon because I'm finalizing this bitch.


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