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Jan 2015
image I fucking love the Terminator series. I grew up with the first two films almost always in my VCR and I became obsessed. Despite allegations of extremely stupid, incompetent storylines and plot twists being shoe-horned into this Hollywood mistake in the making, I'm still fairly excited to see Terminator Genisys, because Schwarzenegger is the fucking man, and if anything can save this film from sucking a big one, he can.

I gather my intel about this movie from a really shitty, biased source (IMDB's message board https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1340138/board/ ), but the data remains consistent: John is the villain, time travel paradoxes are up the wazoo, the casting for Kyle Reese is atrocious, they just had to add a more advanced villain, and they're still just trying to cash-in on the first two films. I feel like a machine could write a better story. And that's where this thread becomes relevant...

As webmaster here, I work with basic web code obviously. It's simple, but it has a lot of options. I tend to experiment a lot with it, and I'm considering building my own Skynet... or Trashnet... or whatever sounds halfway decent. I really have no purpose for an artificial intelligence, nor do have the faintest clue on how to program that, but it's an interesting concept to entertain.

Theoretically, it would include an interface to communicate (input/output), and its data would be drawn entirely from this site's database. What better way to teach a robot than to have it read from all our lame wiki pages, and media?

The hardest part will be coding it to parse English and understand wtf I'm saying, but it's an idea. I'll probably start this thing really simple, if I start it at all. I just like to experiment in my free time, so if anyone has any input, let's talk about building a Trash Bot!

Shaza123 says:

Jan 2015
You're never going to make new movie, are you? :(

Tromafreak says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jan 2015 *
Fuad's making a a movie??? OMFG! Can't wait! Hopefully he won't build it up as this big thing, only to put it off for years, and then forget about it, hoping everyone else does the same. That would suck.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jan 2015
Hey, movies are fucking hard to make, especially when you're poor, lazy, dumb as fuck, friendless, uninspired, depressed, and disillusioned with life like I am. I've spent years trying to sort out my ideas, but none of them seem good enough to me. I tell myself I'll be ready when I've finally tried acid, but you know how that's been going. Hell, I barely have an audience for this site, let alone an entire movie...

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jan 2015
Your audience is on the good 'ol HB. Post it there as well as here. That'll get ya some more members. Now, stop making excuses and get to it!

Shaza123 says:
#5, Reply to #3

Jan 2015 *
Yes movies are hard, but.....

You've made a website! You've spoken about making a game! (Is that still happening? Cos I'd play that shit!) And now you're trying to make your own trashnet?! What about your movie? The one you've been talking about for years! That actually sounds simplier then any of these other projects. You've made a movie before, and it was awesome! We know you have the talent for it!

Also, your short Terrible Things, got a response from Barry J. fucking Gillis!!! Take that as a sign, mate!

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov 2015
I'm reviving my efforts for this by exploring Program O, which is used to create chat bots. They're pretty fucking stupid, but they can be extremely customized. Basically, you teach it exactly what you want it to know.

I'm going to teach it about sex and drugs.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.