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Crawl (2019)

Oct '19
Alexandre Aja teams up with Sam Raimi to make a survival horror story about a woman trying to save her father from alligators whilst trapped in the crawlspace of their Florida home during a hurricane. That about sums up the plot right there, but these kinds of movies don't need a heavy plot. It's a situation you have to survive, and there's always another obstacle being thrown in your way, be it gators, rising waters, injuries sustained, or crazy winds throwing all sorts of things at you.

For what it is, this movie isn't bad. It's good to see Barry Pepper in a prominent role, because he's always pushed into those bit parts when in reality, he's a poor man's Johnny Depp. This is one of those movies where it could be easy to sigh at the stupid decisions that characters make, but there aren't a lot of those in this movie. The only stupid characters tend to get chewed up by gators, so it's all good. The gore is there, too. Nothing too intense, but enough to make you say, "ew".

For what it's worth, this movie is alright. I'll probably forget most of it in a few days though.

BloodWank says:

Oct '19
I felt that the mains by rights should have been chomped down more or less as soon as they first met the gators, being very fond of gators I had a bit of a downer on this for making them look less awesome than they really are. But it's still a great set up, mounted with varingly suspenseful and exciting flair by Aja, and the mains are at least reasonably appealing. Agreed on Barry Pepper, and the gore. I liked this a little bit more than you I guess, as I love this kind of thing and it seems to be rarely executed with this kind of sincerity these days. But not much more than decent.

Znep27 says:

Oct '19
The dog lived! Best part.

Bambithedeer says:

Oct '19
I haven't seen the entire movie, just the ending unfortunately. I've heard really mixed things about this movie. It did look interesting whenever the trailer came out, so I may give it a chance


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