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Sep 2019
It's been 11 years since Rambo came home, but he's finally found peace in Arizona where he was born and raised. He lives a calm life on his father's ranch where he has a surrogate family. When Gabrielle (who refers to him as Uncle John) wants to find her sleazeball father in Mexico, John advises against it, but he can't change her mind. From then on, he knows he's only going to run into trouble.

Last Blood is the supposed final chapter in this near 40 year saga, taking Rambo out of the conventional war zone and into a more domestic setting, fueled by criminal human trafficking and John's most personal revenge to date.

Rambo V is easily the most violent entry of the series. You've never seen Rambo this angry before. He tortures people, he mortally wounds them, and he overkills them. It's so very satisfying to watch horrible things happen to horrible people, and if you give Stallone a hammer, he'll put it to good use.

The good thing about going up against a cartel type is that there are lots of them. Rambo will find all sorts of ways to dispose of the enemy, and there's no shortage of blood and brain matter in this movie. The only thing this movie is short on is runtime, which leaves out the filler and leaves you with only the initial exposition and proper motivation for John Rambo to let loose and do what he does best.

Now, this movie might pull your heart strings a bit, but if you go in expecting some deep storytelling, you're in the wrong place. If you want a solid little revenge flick, Last Blood is where it's at.

Znep27 says:

Sep 2019
It was pretty good. Hilariously, critics are trashing it as racist, simple because the bad guys aren't white. Nevermind the fact that Mexican drug cartels and sex traffickers are very real and terrifying things, no, they can not be villains or it's racist.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep 2019
I saw this very critique on BloodyDisgusting as well, and it's absolutely retarded. Those guys ought to know better, but they're clearly getting pressured into a negative stance about it. As you said, this stuff is real and swept under the rug a lot of the time, but people will find any excuse to make it a political statement.

Is this movie political? Fuck no. It's about a guy who wants to save his girl from a criminal underground, but people are trying to push a "Reaganism"/anti-Trump spin on it when it's completely irrelevant. John Rambo is from Arizona, and when the last movie ended with him going home, this is a perfectly valid plot for his character at this point in his life.

markus-san says:
#5, Reply to #1

Sep 2019
Yep most Mexican drug cartels tend to be Mexican, i.e. of Hispanic origin, oddly enough.

DerTables says:
#6, Reply to #1

Sep 2019
Haven't seen it yet, but like a good SJW I'm outraged and added a tag of "racist" to the movie.

Bambithedeer says:

Sep 2019
Would I have to watch the others to understand this one? I saw the trailer & wanted to see it!

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Sep 2019
Not really. I think the first one is an awesome movie, whereas 2 and 3 are more generic 80s action flicks. Part 4 is a return to form with some gritty violence, but they're not very plot heavy. As long as you understand that John Rambo is a Vietnam vet who's been spit on by the police and protesters and tears shit up in his anger, ultimately going on to redeem himself in later missions, then you can infer the rest of it.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep 2019
What is it with people hating on this movie? Even the original film's writer is trashing it: https://bloody-disgusting.com/movie/3585486/rambo-creator-david-morrell-says-hes-embarrassed-name-associated-last-blood/

Who's he to say anything, though? All he ever did was write the first book and then the novelizations of the next two. Basically none of his work has been adapted to films, so he ought to be grateful people still acknowledge his existence.

I, however, can't stop thinking about this movie. I've seen it 1 and a half times already and will go on to see it again for shizzle.

Ballz says:
#8, Reply to #7

Sep 2019 *
From what I've seen of the hate, it's politically driven. Even that BD review has a political spin.

Rambo: Last Blood hasn’t exactly proven to be a big hit with critics, currently sitting at just 28% on Rotten Tomatoes with a big green splat next to its name.

Conveniently no mention of the audience score (84%).

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #8

Sep 2019
There really isn't anything political about the movie. People who think that are ignorant twats. Rambo isn't racist, nor is it about racism. Hell, in the first movie, Rambo was attacking a bunch of white people. He doesn't discriminate.

Ballz says:
#10, Reply to #9

Sep 2019 *
These tools don't care about logic. It's all about pushing their political agenda at any opportunity, no matter how crazy it comes off to the rest of us.

@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.