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Sep 2019

This will be the third time they've tried to revive it, and the second time that the CW will try their hand at it. The CW though? Really? The guy doing it claims to want to make it a "sequel" series as similar to the original as possible, but you know that wont happen. They're going to fudge it up for sure, but I'll still keep my eyes on this one, just out of sheer curiosity.

Tromafreak says:

Dec 2019 *
Now I see why you PMed me a few months ago. Absolutely nobody else gave a fuck. emoticon Well, Tromz gives a fuck. But yeah. Whatever flaws Burton missed, I'm sure these CW people will figure it out. I'll try to appreciate whatever good it brings with it while it lasts.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Dec 2019
It ain't every day that you see a big enough callout to one of your favorite mythologies like a brand new series, but this stuff tends to die out because people always think they know what they're talking about, but they never quite get it. Tim Burton definitely didn't get it. He conned his producers into thinking he had watched several episodes of this show, but he must have been watching something else entirely. Not sure how that piece of trash ever came to be, but CW isn't a great alternative. They'll probably market this for teen girls. Or worse yet, they might throw pacing out the window and put everything on the table at once, like AHS. DS revival needs to be paced properly. Let it run 200 episodes of filler, then throw in a vampire mummy. I don't know. Just don't rehash Barnabas. I want a new story in Collinwood.

These people need to get with the program on Dark Shadows. I'll try to get back into it again. I get very discouraged in my parallel time plots because I can't quite grasp any of the characters or purpose, so I feel like I'm missing something and cannot proceed.

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov 2020
And... Canceled already!

Probably for the best, considering CW is a garbage company to begin with, but I was kinda looking forward to at least a few contemporary set photos, and maybe a few cameos from the surviving original cast.

Oh well.

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #3

Nov 2020
Since I've had all this time to think about it all, I agree. Probably for the best. Would have been lucky to make it out of the first season alive, and then the source material would be rendered worthless, once again. If HBO isn't going to do something with all the possibilities for Game Of Thrones spinoffs/prequels, I wish they'd consider taking on something like this. The whole thing would be forced to become something far more respectable if the goal was HBO on Sunday nights.



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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.