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Aug '19
Every time any movie or tv show or comic is ever released, so comes another slew of these stupid things. They make it an effort to cover almost any character in pop culture, but after a few hundred of them, you ought to realize there isn't anything worthwhile in collecting these stupid looking monstrosities.
This company is feeding off of the obsessions of collectors by giving them big-headed kiddie versions of even the lamest of characters. This company is brilliant, and that's why I hate them.

Ballz says:

Aug '19 *
One of my cousins gives me a Pop figure or two most Christmases. I currently have Regan from The Exorcist and Twisty from AHS. She also gave me a few Star Wars figures, but I gave those away to someone who likes that shit a lot more than I do.

Some of the figures have caught my attention before, like the Ash vs. Evil Dead characters, but never enough to start collecting them with my own money. I'm poor enough as is and I've already collected too much other junk (movies). Sometimes I wish I had more room for collecting stuff, but I don't and that makes the decision to not buy any Pop figures even easier.

Snowy_Owl says:

Aug '19
I like the idea of them. I think they look cool, and if I had the money or space to start collecting them I might. Actually I only have one pop figure, and that is only because Nicholas Brendon gave me one for free because the box was messed up.
But even if I had the money, I donโ€™t think I would buy these. They take up too much space.


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