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Sep '14
image I've been following James Rolfe's work for years now. To most people, he's The Angry Video Game Nerd, but to me, he's more than that. He's an inspiration. He reviews shitty old games for a living, but he also knows film, and has a true passion for what he does. He wouldn't have become such a legend if his heart wasn't in the right place.

image Over the years, he's always teased us with a review for the alleged worst game of all time: Atari's E.T. However, he would take it up a notch and not do a mere review, but an entire movie based on the mystery of this turkey, taking the premise of his debut feature into the Atari landfill territory. This bases our film on actual facts, whereas several Atari games where in fact buried in a landfill in New Mexico. Read about it on Wikipedia if you don't believe me, because Wikipedia always tells the truth... right?


This is the basis for our film's premise. The Nerd (as he is so named in the film) reviews bad video games for a living, and people love his obscene rants that pick apart all the flaws of said games. An evil video game company named Cockburn decides to cash-in on the statistics of how people play games that they hate, and decide to make a sequel to the worst game ever. They want to make "EeeTee 2", and market it as being even worse than the original, because bad is the new good.

image With this, the Nerd is pressured into reviewing EeeTee (spelled differently due to copyright reasons, I'm guessing), though the mere thought makes him spout off more obscene remarks. And vomit. With much reluctance, The Nerd is swayed into the idea by his sidekick/protege, as well as a Cockburn employee posing as a female nerd, hoping to further Cockburn's "EeeTee 2" marketing campaign. The Nerd uses this as an opportunity to debunk the myth about the landfill, and spare all of his die-hard fans away from the horrid game that awaits them. However, the situation continues to complicate itself with the addition of military conspiracies, robots, aliens, and of course... video games.

image Fans of James Rolfe's videos are guaranteed a good time with this movie. The jokes are funny, the film never takes itself too seriously, and all of the nerd's influences are represented, ranging from Atari, horror movies, bad movies, Troma, Godzilla movies, and even some slapstick. The special effects also stand out, as many of them are practical, utilizing a lot of miniatures. There is plenty of green screen and CGI, but what can you ask for in a movie about video games? Realism? I have no gripes with any of it.

The film likes to poke fun at its low-budget nature and exploit it for all its worth. "Even my dreams are low budget". But with low budget comes the passion that most Hollywood films will never achieve. Low budget forces you to get your vision out at all costs, and put your love, sweat, tears, and jizz into whatever you're doing. The Angry Video Game Nerd is a true trash epic, if there ever was one. The only flaw however... was a significant lack of Motherfucker Mike Matei.


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