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Apr 2019
Here's some more public domain gold for you. The House on Haunted Hill is an old school ghost story of sorts in which our devious host Vincent Price will pay $10,000 to anyone who can last the night at this supposedly haunted hill house.

The movie reminds me 'Clue' in how a small group of various folk are locked in a mansion for some ulterior motive while the plot thickens. And like Clue, this movie is set in a place where modern day conveniences are out. No phones, no escape. Just sit back and try to last the night. Can't be too difficult, right?

William Castle was a fun filmmaker. What a day when theaters would do gimmicks like this one, and have skeletons flying around. Sure, that whole skeleton scene is cheesy as hell, but you got to wonder how it affected people back then. That sort of thing always interested me. Like recently, I saw a mention somewhere of how people wouldn't even see The Exorcist because they were too afraid of the mere idea of it. Now, everyone's got an iron stomach, and you can do anything on-screen and people aren't affected in the least. Sigh...

So a few notes on this one... I was actually a bit creeped out when that old hag showed up in the shadows. I still don't know why a blind person would pose like a witch for no reason, so that part is still kinda funny, but whatever.

Also, another thing I kept thinking of is how much the main actress Carol Ohmart who plays the conniving wife looks like Sophie Turner from X-Men. I think they could do her up to look just like her, if they ever wanted to do a(nother) remake.

But yeah, Vincent Price is the best, and he always puts out a great performance. You can basically predict what'll happen in this movie, but it's still a great little horror flick for parties or background noise.

DerTables says:

Apr 2019
I really need to watch this

sfpx says:

Apr 2019
Saw this when I was very young. The skeleton at the end scared the ever loving shit out of me.

Pavlovs_Bell says:

Apr 2019 *
Charming little film, Price definitely steals the limelight more than once but always an amusing watch emoticon


Apr 2019
Not in my top 5 of VP films but will always have a place in my ❤ cause it was one of my first films viewed as a kid starring VP along with The Fly and Invisible Man Returns. More public domain VP gold : The Last Man on Earth.

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