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Aug '14 *
We've all come to this site and gotten bored with it, because of how aimlessly vague it is. Well not anymore, because now, we have purpose. Now, we have Trash Zones https://trashepics.com/sub/.

A lot of users had been interested in having their own corner of this website to specialize in a unique theme. I finally got crackin' and worked those in here. I've given them database support, which means they can be easily edited to suit your needs. I try to automate everything worthwhile on this site. The less I have to do to maintain it, the better. I'm a lazy man, so anyone running a zone will help me keep this site active.

Here's a bit of info on the recent influx of garbage zone-age:

The Ren Zone - Well, since I'm @Renzo, and I can't let everyone else have all the fun... I have a zone of my own. I'll just put boring news articles like this one in it. Posts are not exclusive to a single zone, and may appear in any number of zones. It all depends on the zone's criteria for what posts it should list. My zone just looks for posts tagged as #/httr/, so I just tag a post as #/httr/ and it will show up in my listing. Other than that, my zone is pretty useless.

The Halloween Zone - It used to be just about the film franchise, but god damnit... I like Halloween too much to limit it to a single mediocre horror series! Now, this zone will show ALL public posts that are posted under media titles that are tagged as #halloween. There are a lot of good Halloween titles out there, like Dark Night of the Scarecrow, Night of the Demons, Donnie Darko, House of 1000 Corpses, etc. It will also have a live countdown to next Halloween. I wish I could think of better gimmicks for it...

Obviously, @Tromafreak needed to run the Troma Zone. He's posting some good shit there, and it adding these shitty movies to our database of trashy movies, and it's wonderful. He reviews movies mostly. Since a bulk of Troma's movies are available for free on youtube, I advise he sets the featured youtube video to a different Troma movie every so often. This zone will show ALL public posts that are posted under media titles that are tagged as #troma.

Our slasher aficionado @slasherfan85 wanted a Slasher Zone, and I say hellz yeah. We all need a little more slashers in our diet, and as uninspired as it may be at times, it's still one of my favorite horror sub-genres. This zone will show ALL public posts that are posted under media titles tagged as #slasher.

When @AlcoholicNinja wanted to jump on the zone bandwagon, he got hard just thinking about the possibilities of what he could do with a Porno Zone. This is Trash Epics, right? This zone will show ALL public posts that are tagged as #porn. emoticon

The Ball Zone is operated by @Ballz. Who would've figured? What many of you probably don't know (since he rarely graces us with his presence) is that he is putting all of his efforts into a novel he plans on selling. Since Ballz is my hangsta numba uno, I'm giving him a zone where he doesn't have to abide by any specific guidelines, but I figure it would be a good place for him to sell his novel. This zone will only show Ballz's public posts.

@Moffat wanted to talk about comics, so he has a zone... but he ain't doing anything with it yet. I don't know what posts to list, so right now, it just shows posts that posted under media titles tagged as #comic. At least I think he wanted the zone to be about comic movies...

And our sweet @Shaza wants to talk about foul, evil, dirty, dark, and depraved films in the Extreme Zone. Yeah, she looks nice, but she's into some sick shit. We need that on Trash Epics, because we need to cover all the basics of what good trash is all about. For now, this zone will show ALL public posts tagged as #extreme. Later on, when/if we get enough fitting titles in our media database, I may change it to show all posts that are posted under media tagged as #extreme. I don't know! @Shaza, you can add media titles to the database. Utilize this so you can update your featured media accordingly. The same goes for wiki pages.

And that's it so far. It'll be easy as hell to add more zones, should anyone come up with a legit idea. Now with these zones, I'm hoping the moderators of them will have fun with it, and try to come up with regular content for these zones. Have a weekly poll. Have a weekly movie that you recommend that everyone on the site see. And put the trailer as your featured video. Post lists about this stuff. Post achievements that are relevant to your cause. They can be for winning some kind of contest or game you might hold on your zone. Get creative. Because I'm even allowing you to style these zones with pure css, and script in pure javascript. Of course, I know you guys don't know fuck all about that, but it gives me good practice should we decide to work in some gimmicks into your zone.

Shaza123 says:

Sep '14
You're amazing Fuad.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #1

Sep '14
I'll drink to that. emoticon


Sep '14
I'll get something up there soon as I can, @boss. Offline life has been mad busy the past few months, so I haven't been able to watch any movies, let alone write reviews and so on. Nothing untoward, just super busy. Also went through a bit of a barren patch in terms of inspiration for my usual style of banter.

Things are letting up a bit now, though, and I've got a draft of an intro that I'm working on.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.