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What's up?

Apr '19
So here we are... Trash Epics in 2019! And what a state we're in!

I ain't gonna lie... losing some of our most valuable posters over the DUMBEST SHIT IN HISTORY really does upset me. I could elaborate on why I'm so pissed about Tromafreak, Onyx, and Johan's decision to leave this place, but I wont, because quite frankly... their reasons are stupid as fuck, and they can all go fuck themselves for putting me in this position. I did nothing but cater to every one of their goddamn requests, and they treat me like I'm the devil himself. Fuck that noise, and fuck those lousy two-bit fake friends that toyed with my emotions so much. I had faith in them, and they ALL let me down, and now they're laughing about it. Ha ha. Very fuckin' funny, you guys. You sure showed me. emoticon

There was a time when we had nearly 200 users, and more along the way. Now, we have a handful of regulars, and I know they wont stick around when the tumbleweeds take over. Again, this stuff bothers me, because I have so much faith in TE. It's all I believe in, really, and it's hard to convey my points to others, because people haven't lived in my shoes. They don't know what's kept me going, and seemingly, they don't care, either.

Ever since I was a kid, I've been studying the internet. Slowly, but surely, I've looked into many facets of its being. I've contemplated facebook and twitter and other social media platforms, and I've come to various conclusions about their effectiveness and shortcomings, and I've worked to create a place that can be optimized for the horror/trash loving crowd, but people don't understand. They point the finger at something that only wants to exist in their favor, and give them what they would want out of a website. As the world progresses technologically, people give less thought into what makes these environments work, because they don't have to think about something if it's standardized. Facebook and Twitter are standards, even if they have data breaches and loads of ads. People don't care, because it's regular.

I hate to be a buzzkill, but my goal to remedy that is by making TE even better. Not that anyone is going to care at this point, but I'm working on all sorts of shit:

Undoing Johan's Dastardly Deeds - It's like the snap of Thanos, and you have to figure out a way to undo what just happened. I have most of his content, and I plan on restoring it as soon as I work out the kinks. As much as he pisses me off, I still liked that guy's contributions, and his absense has destroyed a lot of site content. For shame.

New Notification System - Yeah yeah, I know the current notification system is kind of fucked, but it's the best I could come up with at the time. I've gotten a few ideas together to make notifications more dynamic, fixing that PM +1 nonsense and adding more notifications, with mark-as-read functionality and all that jazz. Should be cumming soon...

Der's Arcade Shennanigans - This is a big project we'll be working on, basically mashing a bunch of old school pixel games into a TE game hub. Arcade games, card games, board games, etc. We want to try it all. Currently, we have a couple dozen games in mind... It's kinda like that NES game "Action 52", only it wont suck ass.

Of course, there's always stupid little things I find that I need to fix, but I've been focusing on these ideas lately. I'm also thinking we need a new way to recruit users. I hate when I have to talk about this stuff, but the traffic lately has been scaring me. This stuff used to work so easily on here, now I'm having to exert all my energy just to keep it comatose.

Come on, guys. Let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Also, let's watch some black and white trash. Youtube has some gold. Just talk about stuff. Anything. Horror, trash, both, or neither.

sfpx says:
#11, Reply to #10

Apr '19
Yeah, I hear you. Well, everyone's gotta do what's best for them. It didn't appear that Troma or Johan were interested in having a reasonable, level headed debate about all this.

Box_a_Hair says:
#12, Reply to #5

Apr '19
I'm not against their return, but I wouldn't count on it. They seem dead set in their disillusionment for TE. Plus, I'd want to take the mod position away from them, since A.) they didn't moderate, and B.) troma let all that shit get waaaaayyy too into his head. And in my desire to demote them, they'd probably take offense to that and quit. Again.

Fuckers think that I'm the enemy for some reason. They let stupid troll of theirs taint their way of thinking, and it'll probably end up in some "Bug" type of situation where they set themselves on fire in a motel room. If they're delusional to think that I'm their enemy, then they really can go fuck themselves. They don't care what I or anyone else here has to say on the matter, but hey... whatever gets their rocks off.

Gymnopedie says:
#14, Reply to #12

Apr '19
They let stupid troll of theirs taint their way of thinking, and it'll probably end up in some "Bug" type of situation where they set themselves on fire in a motel room.


I think have the problem they had with that troll was giving it recognition by mentioning them. As soon as they would make a thread about them, or even talk about them - it was like a reward for the trolls.

Gymnopedie says:
#16, Reply to #12

Apr '19
Oh yeah, I remember once when you allowed some people to join from Filmboards back a year or two ago to bring about more activity. There was one guy that joined (can't remember name), he made a few decent threads and was okay to talk to, didn't seem like a troll, but before you know it Onyx and Troma deleted him. That was a shame at the time I thought.

Gymnopedie says:

Apr '19
Try not to beat yourself up, Box. On a positive note it is good to see Damn Cyborg and Ninja return, if however fleeting.

If those guys are laughing at you then they need to take a hard long look at themselves. I don't think Troma should have been given as much authority as he had here, only my opinion thou. Never understood the love for the guy personally. He instigated a lot of shit on Imdb. There was no excuse for Johan's behaviour, totally deplorable - first trying to get people to leave or take sides, then deleting his stuff. The guy is an ass. It is understandable that Markus was pissed-off some of this, he is friends with Troma and Onyx, hope he sticks around.

Keep the faith, Trashepics will go through its peaks and valleys, but it will always be here.

Box_a_Hair says:
#17, Reply to #13

Apr '19
Yeah... it just bothers me how much he refuses to listen to reason. Like I said, he didn't even care to stick around and hear my side of it. Just said his fuck yous, told me this site would die, and quit. That piece of shit even deleted me from facebook, because he doesn't want to listen to anybody. That's why his new forum will be perfect for him. Nobody there, nobody to listen to.

sfpx says:
#18, Reply to #17

Apr '19
Hey ya know what Box, try not to let it get to you. I mean come on... look at those three.

Troma is clearly an anti social hermit with no life who sits around all day smoking pot in a long distance relationship with a fat hippo who didn't really contribute shit to the site except talk about her spider. And she talks about being victimized and stalked and harassed but the idiot uses her real name. Jesus Christ, what a winner that one is.

And Johan. I know I'm not the only one who's gotten a weird vibe from him with his predeliction to movies starring or revolving around young girls. I mean, what the fuck is up with that? The guy also reeks of being a virgin and I'm pretty sure he lives with his parents.

I mean come the fuck on. These are all losers here we're talking about, let's be realistic.

Gymnopedie says:
#20, Reply to #18

Apr '19 *
Well said, Bryan..

Troma is clearly an anti social hermit with no life who sits around all day smoking pot in a long distance relationship with a fat hippo who didn't really contribute shit to the site except talk about her spider. And she talks about being victimized and stalked and harassed but the idiot uses her real name. Jesus Christ, what a winner that one is.

What an odious individual. He was the one who started all that shit with Dorian years ago. The guy is a walking hypocrite. He would constantly tell people not to interact with the trolls on the horror board while he would interact with them. He also hated any form of sock accounts, and then he had that Mullet Kid sock. Onyx was always very strange, not very warm. I would always get the feeling from her that she didn't trust anybody here. Always played the victim card. I doubt these two ever contributed anything to society.

And Johan. I know I'm not the only one who's gotten a weird vibe from him with his predeliction to movies starring or revolving around young girls. I mean, what the fuck is up with that? The guy also reeks of being a virgin and I'm pretty sure he lives with his parents.

Yeah, what the fuck is that all about?! The guy can't watch anything without a little girl in it. What is his fascination with little girls anyway? I asked him that several times over the years and he never gave me a reason. He is 40!! Don't get me started with his taste in horror films. He hates Suspiria, Halloween, Evil Dead, The Omen, Jaws, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Psycho, Predator etc. Then there is his He-Man and Barbie doll collections!!

sfpx says:
#32, Reply to #20

Apr '19
Yes, I watched Troma thru the years antagonizing and baiting the trolls (or troll) over and over and over again saying such lovely things like "Catch AIDS" and it bit him in the ass. He ticked off the wrong person, apparently, and Onyx became a target simply due to guilt by association. Then all of a sudden Troma becomes the "victim."

Johan doesn't wanna give you a real answer because he probably has something unsavory to hide....

Gymnopedie says:
#41, Reply to #32

Apr '19
It is not normal. As I say the guy is forty.. just look at his avatar!

Box_a_Hair says:
#21, Reply to #18

Apr '19
I shouldn't be surprised about any of them. They still disappoint me to no end, but it is what it is.

I can't hold the 'losers' remark with too much weight though, considering I'm a loser, too. I think the whole trash subgenre is an outlet for unconventional movie-fan types to revel in. It's all about that community aspect, but some of these types don't seem to want even that.

Gymnopedie says:
#24, Reply to #21

Apr '19
Box what was the story with that Blind_Frankenstein user after? A blind man. He was good friends with Onyx. Was inactive for months only to show up to vote agaisn't Der in the music draft. Not heard of since. I found that strange too.

Box_a_Hair says:
#25, Reply to #24

Apr '19
He'd lurk about for a few months, but didn't seem interested. Had onyx told me earlier that he found the site hard to navigate, I'd have added some screen reader type optimization, but instead, I only found out toward the end when they already made up their minds to leave. Here I thought the name was just an homage to Ygor in House of Frankenstein...

Gymnopedie says:
#26, Reply to #25

Apr '19
I thought it was one of their socks like Mullet

DerTables says:
#28, Reply to #26

Apr '19
I think a lot of people are actually Troma...

Gymnopedie says:
#29, Reply to #28

Apr '19
The thought has crossed my mind...

I did think you were unfairly treated in that instance. This person miraculously showed up to give the decisive vote. Not before, but literally when there was minutes left, and then dissapears not to be seen again. What was the motive there? He never voted in the other rounds. Nah, I wasn't buying that.

DerTables says:
#30, Reply to #29

Apr '19
Honestly that's what's happens when you don't have a well defined rule set for any competition.

DerTables says:
#27, Reply to #18

Apr '19

Well when you put it that way.

sfpx says:
#31, Reply to #27

Apr '19
Heh, got a little carried away there emoticon

Gymnopedie says:
#33, Reply to #31

Apr '19
Troma is clearly an anti social hermit with no life who sits around all day smoking pot in a long distance relationship with a fat hippo


The guy also reeks of being a virgin and I'm pretty sure he lives with his parents.

Funniest thing I have read in ages emoticon



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