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Mar '19
Johan must really not like me. He made his own forum, about the same damn shit we talk about here. https://horrorntrash.freeforums.net/ is of the same design as imdb2, a site that we had both expressed our disdain in, but fuck it so long as it ain't this place, right?

Stab me in the fucking back, why don't ya? All to make a shoddy knockoff of a site that was designed to cater to all and anyone's requests? I've spent thousands of dollars and hours to learn how to code this site. I live in sleaze and eat ramen fucking noodles so there can be a dedicated forum for epic trash discussions out there, and because certain users have decided to make issues out of nothing, we experience a new divide in our already diminished user base? Fuck that!

I thought Johan and I were on the same page on a lot of things. I thought he understood that we need unification, but the guy runs off to start another forum with some generic free host. Now, one of our most valuable contributors decides to split in favor of a barebones message board system, leaving us all in even further divided camps. And who does he made his moderator? Tromafreak, because God forbid that guy exist on a forum where his mod status and thus masculinity are in question. Yeah, that's right. Johan makes his "head mod" a guy who tried to ban him from here. More than once.

What's the hell is going on here? The dude likes to makes himself out to be a victim, but tromafreak has been totally unreasonable about this whole fucking mess. He acts like there's preferential treatment or something, but there isn't. He's had a bug festering up his ass about Der ever since the notorious "Cars 3" rants, and that somehow put ME at fault with troma, because he'd gotten very distant from me since then. Guilty by association, I suppose. Angry that he can't be "head mod" if I allow myself to get programming assistance through der's account. Boo fucking hoo.

I don't interfere with user/user discussions, because I've got better things to do than pick sides, and he's treated me like villain ever since. Sure, I know the guy can be a bit irritable at times, but I always got along with him before. A lot of my most favorite films are movies he's introduced me to, and I genuinely thought we were on good terms until he raged at me in a private message, saying in so many words to go fuck myself, and ran away from his own goddamn website. I don't like saying this is my site, because it's a group effort. I want others to realize that this is their site, too, but nobody seems to get it these days. Tromafreak didn't even bother reading what I had to say about it, and that hurts. He didn't even get to read the part where I tell him to go fuck himself.

The whole thing is frustrating. The guy just wants to throw away everything we've been working on for half a decade, because he doesn't like Der? That's some real bullshit right there. And Johan joining a freeforums site? That's a step backwards. What do these people want out of a website? Standard, soulless machinery that lets them feel like the proprietors of a new and untamed frontier of lost message boarders seeking a new place to call home? Fuck no. Nobody cares about message boards anymore. It's all about facebook and apps now, and they're putting themselves in an even smaller margin of activity now. If Johan was upset that his posts didn't get enough exposure, then why the hell would you narrow that scope even further with a site comprised of users--fewer users than your normal userbase--who for some dastardly reason or another decided to flee this place because they were "offended" by users... and strangely enough, some of which whom are currently over there now?

If they think they're mad, how the hell do they think I feel? They walk away from a place I built for them, in favor of a shoddy knockoff of this place? It's fucking stupid, is what it is. Well, I can be stupid, too. They try to rip this place off with free forum software? Well, I've built a shoddy knockoff of their shoddy knockoff:


As you can see, I've made a rather ugly and shallow skin that's somewhat functional. I might add mobile support later. I might just kill myself instead.

If those guys ever get their heads out of their asses and stop sucking each other's dicks over there, there's a real website over here waiting for them.

Gymnopedie says:

Mar '19 *
I think it is already dead! I guess they couldn't get the numbers emoticon

How did you come across it? A pretty low move by Johan. I lost whatever respect i may have had for him. How many has joined two or three? Knowing Johan he will probably get bored of it. He doesn't have the knowledge or skills for it. He always despised IMDB v2 and then he creates a barebones copy of it!

Mar '19
Comment Deleted


Mar '19
Don't go do something you'll regret like offing yorself. Let Johan do what Johan's gonna go do. I don't think he did it to spite you, more like he don't care for your buddy so much. I've noticed Der, like myself, doesn't have a filter and that will sometimes put others off. Being brutally honest has its costs. Anyways, here's to hoping those that have left find their way back. Troma and myself didn't always see eye to eye and bucked heads...but I always respected him afterwards. Same with Johan actually. I'm not exactly a Kumbaya guy and wouldn't mind those who have beefs to verbally have it out as long as they respected the sanctity of the site. Hang in there Fuad!

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Mar '19
Nah, I wouldn't kill myself over these guys, but their attitudes really disappoint me. I got plans to make this place better, while troma's interest in this place dwindled enough for him to abandon it. Has he lost his faith in trash? Very upsetting, to say the least.

Gymnopedie says:
#5, Reply to #4

Mar '19
Johan stills logs on, he was only here this morning. I didn't like him PM'ing other users to divide the camp, if I am honest, I told him this. I feel he will become more active when he gets bored of the other site.

sfpx says:

Mar '19
Why did Troma try banning Johan?

Gymnopedie says:
#7, Reply to #6

Mar '19
I think Johan was making comments about Onyx over on Zeds site if I am not mistaken.

Box_a_Hair says:
#8, Reply to #6

Mar '19
He generally didn't care for him, it seemed. Even back on imdb. Thought he was in cahoots with his notorious troll. Then, he got mad that he thought johan was trying to lure others away from here, demanded that he publicly apologize, it became a bigger deal than it needed to be, but after a while, things got stoic. Now, johan is actually trying to lure away others it seems. Oh, my achin' banana...

sfpx says:
#9, Reply to #8

Mar '19
This whole situation sucks.

Everyone's too thin skinned and humorless. Whatever.

Gymnopedie says:
#10, Reply to #8

Mar '19
I know for a fact that Johan never liked Troma or Onyx. He would tell me this a lot over the years how he was a troll and what not. He had a lot of issues with him. That is why I was so surprised to see him take Troma's side. I asked Johan what he has against you considering how you good you were to allow him to join against Troma's wishes.

DerTables says:
#11, Reply to #10

Mar '19
I think he will soon realize what @Box had done for them and us all. proboards is aweful and from the early 2000s no one wants to use it.

Gymnopedie says:
#12, Reply to #11

Mar '19
I agree, and yourself too! I appreciate everything everybody has done to provide a home for us. I think this is a pretty cool site. I can see him returning with his tale between his legs.

DerTables says:
#15, Reply to #12

Mar '19
I hope he doesn't think he needs to have his tale any where. I know how Troma can be and I kind of know how Johan can be, so I can see how this happened. I just hope he wises up and doesn't become Troma's new bitch.

Gymnopedie says:

Mar '19
I see Vic and other trolls are over there now. They don't have the protection that your site offered them.

DerTables says:
#14, Reply to #13

Mar '19
Ya, so much has been built here to keep peace. It's what is so frustrating about them driving a wedge between an already small community.

Tommix says:

Mar '19
I don't understand what the hell all the arguing is even about. I usually try to click away from a thread when I even see the beginning of any of these personal arguments, so I end up just knowing very little about what's going on. In a way that's good, and I get to try to stick to threads I really like, like about horror movies, horror comedies, or just goofing around. But the interpersonal territorial crap has really been bad, lately. Thank you for all the time, effort, and money you put into this site, Box. I hope people settle down soon, and this place can get back to what you meant it to be.

Box_a_Hair says:
#17, Reply to #16

Mar '19
We need people like you to keep other regular discussions going. I hate how much drama there's been lately. It's never good to see a site arguing like this, and I shouldn't egg it on, but I have to rant sometimes. This behavior really pisses me off.

Tommix says:
#18, Reply to #17

Mar '19
I know that I have had a few ideas for horror-relevant threads lately, but unfortunately I forgot them. Sometimes I forget to write things down if I think of them on the T (Boston's subway and trolley system). I'm gonna try to remember what they were, and post them... that's what this place is supposed to be about!!

DerTables says:
#19, Reply to #18

Mar '19
I agree, I kind of wish we had more of an index on the home page so that box's rants and my games and people politics could really be religated to those areas instead of being on a main feed.

zed says:

Mar '19
Iā€™m with tommix on this, I have no idea what the drama is about.
But I do hate to see ppl go, as the fewer ppl, makes everything less interesting.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.