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Mar 2019
Not that anyone cares about Marvel movies around here, but Captain Marvel was somehow pretty awesome. It begins with a Stan Lee tribute that made me really sad, then jumped right into some space alien shit.

Some alien civilizations versus another, yada yada... Caught in the middle of this is some amnesiac lady with fiery hands who crashes to earth to assemble a team of Sam Jackson and an orange cat so that she can fight Jude Law. That's right. Jude fucking Law.

Also, this movie is a franchise prequel, based on a character I never heard of until recently. Somehow, the pieces all seem to work. I liked the adventures with young NickNicholas Fury. It's good to see Coulson back on the big screen. And somehow, beyond all comprehension... it's nice to see the 1990s again!

For those of us who love the attention to detail, they went into blockbuster and blasted a cutout of True Lies. On the shelves, I saw a few titles, such as Last Action Hero, Hook, and some other 90s shit. Babe poster on the wall. They replicated an entire nostalgia factory for all the memberberries out there.

This is some quality MCU stuff here, but the best part was the ending. Well... ideally, anyway. I didn't see the whole movie. But it's just a bunch of space ships and aliens fighting each other either way. Good guygirl probably wins. Where the hell was I?





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