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Feb '19
Anybody excited to see the return of Shaft? Now there's a movie I never expected to happen. I was impressed to see the Rocky series is 42 years old and still kicking (punching?), but the Shaft series is 48 years old! Richard Roundtree did a few movies and a tv series in the early 70s, but then he took a few decades off, only to return in 2000s "Shaft", in which Sam Jackson plays original Shaft's nephew, and real Shaft is also in that movie, making it totes legit. Hell, that movie even had Isaac Hayes, notable for doing that great theme song that talks about how much of a bad-ass Shaft is. Daaaamn right!

So yeah... I wasn't sure how the 2000 movie fared, but they recently decided to make yet another entry in the series, because Sam Jackson never ages. Richard Roundtree is getting pretty old, but it looks like he'll have more action in this new movie, which is great. Also appearing in the movie is Isaac Hayes' son I think.


Any fans of Shaft? Anybody ever see the short-lived tv series that came out after the first 3 movies?

Ballz says:

Feb '19
I've long been a fan of Shaft, at least the character(s). I don't actually remember much about the first three movies, just some scenes that could've been in any of them. Mostly I remember Shaft (2000), probably because I owned it on VHS when I was younger and not the earlier entries.

This new movie looks like it'll be at least as good as Shaft (2000). I don't know anything about Jessie Usher, but that doesn't really matter since Jackson and Roundtree appear to be in a good chunk of it. If they ever make more though, they better not call it plain old Shaft again. This franchise now has three movies just titled Shaft, plus the TV show. That's worse than Halloween.

Can't find a stream or download for the show. Too bad since it'd be perfect for the Crime Challenge.

Tommix says:

Feb '19
They should adapt Queen's Flash Gordon song for this one. "Shaft! Ah aaaahhhhh..."

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Feb '19
You know what? I try to think of the Shaft song sometimes, and my signals get crossed and I think of the same thing.

jimb14red says:

Feb '19 *
Defintely a fan of the original films. I even thought the Jackson one was ok. Bale was pretty good as the bad guy.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

Feb '19
Bale was a great villain that year. A racist in Shaft, as well as an American Psycho. I got no complaints on the 2000 Shaft.


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