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Jan '19
We used to have some more regular contributers here who posted some good shit, then vanished off the face of the earth. People like BarkingBaphomet, Shadow-345, iceflamez, Atomichotwings, klownz, RedHawk10, sethyeah, slasherfan85, AlcoholicNinja, Moffat, and all those others who rarely/never posted, but at least lurked. Anybody know what hole they all crawled into?

I'd think that some of the political talk scared 'em off, but even after the government calmed down and there was no talk of this shit, that didn't seem to make a difference anymore. People stayed gone, and things got a bit stagnant.

So where did they all migrate to? Internet addicts like that don't simply "get a life" and move on, or move to facebook. Most of the aforementioned users don't even frequent the other imdb knockoff sites, so wtf happened to the age of internet forums? How do we get that back? How do we bring the old blood back here, and how do we get new blood?

I think of this stuff sometimes, and it makes me sad. I miss the days when there was too much activity for me to keep up with, and people were excited to see what an alternative website could offer them. I guess they didn't find it here.

DerTables says:

Jan '19
Politics can run deep. I've been on sites before and after 5 or 9 years of being the solid contributor (Like over 10,000 post a year and 5th most all time posts still today) thing got wierd. Around 2015 people started leaving because alot of us, me included were very vocal about our political view. This lead to others speaking out in disagreement and, as in most cases, the side who had the people who ran the cabal win. I was not on the side and I found myself at the throats of people whom I'd considered friends for almost a decade and had even met up with and had 25-40 people gatherings in real life. I mean people would fly in from Austrailia, Germany, and the UAE, to Dallas, Texas just to hand out for 3-5 days. Sadly, non of that mattered when politics entered our lives. As an aside, I think this happened in many aspects of people lives: work, school, family and yes, the internet. It was probably 3 or 4 months before the 2016 election that the bans started coming down. Things certian mods disagreed with suddenly became "hate speach"; friends became "Nazis" or "Libtards" or "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU A FUCKING SOCIALIST!?". People we knew by name and face reduced to labels and idiologies. The wierd thing is though that in a way noticing the political divide between us and all of the discomfort and choas both sides insued made all of us get more of a life outside the site. For some that was another site. For the remaining dicatorship there it was a focus on renewing and reangling the site, and for people like myself it was an excuse to stop being an adict of the internet. People grow up, sometimes they have to and sometimes they are dragged by the coattail into doing so. So my point here is, that some people, most likely a lot of people, felt the distructive force in their lives in someway. Probably not on this site. Most felt it from within their true inner-circles. However, when it came up here, as it did many other places a lot of people probably did just leave and fill the void. So many of us are just so sick of the divisivness that we would rather just not post or exists here at all. It's a hard thing to convince someone not to be scared of being attacked once they are. If we want to turn this arround we are going to have to be more accepting and inviting. I'm not talking censorship, just self awareness. From me, and from everyone. We have something special here, but it is only as good as we can make it and maintain it to be. It's not about the features (although keep them coming @Box they are great), but it's about the people and how we treat each other.

DerTables says:
#42, Reply to #41

Apr '19
I like your currecnt name. Has a nice element of macabre to it.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.