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The Punisher

Jan '19
Not a lot of us have watched the first season, but those who did were surely quite impressed. Ultra violent, fucked up, and glorious. Better than the movies, and arguably as good as DareDevil, Netflix's other series.

However, being that this is Netflix, they're highly likely to cancel the show after season 2, because they've cancelled all their Marvel collaborations. Those bastards! But in the mean time, we still have at least ONE more season, and goddamn, does it look amazing:


Any thoughts? I think I'll binge the hell out of this one. I'm thinking it will take me less than a week. Bernthal is the man. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they handle Jigsaw, too.

OnyxHades says:

Jan '19
I've watched a couple of episodes and really liked it. I need to finish up what they have. Bernthal was a pretty creepy character on The Walking Dead, and he makes a great Punisher.

OnyxHades says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jan '19
I better get to watching then. I forget why I stopped.


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