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Nov '18
Amazon Prime has a bunch of Chris Seaver movies, so I gave this one a watch. However, they list it as 2016 and a 4.8, when it's 2014 at a 4.7. What's up with their differences? It's the same damn company.

This movie is slightly more professional than your average Seaver movie, and has a bit of John Waters flare to it, IMO. The characters aren't as dumb, but they're still sex-crazed idiots. The legendary Josh Suire plays a stupid fucking nerd who needs some good old fashioned revenge after a prank on him goes wrong, so he kills everyone with telekinesis, whilst dressed as a clown!

I doubt the original could be as good, because it didn't have that excellent Seaver cast. Any word on that one?

Slightly higher production values can go a long way. Maybe the values were the same, but the effort was greater. It seems like he tried a bit harder. I noticed a Bill Cosby picture that kept getting emphasis. I notice there haven't been any John Stamos pictures in these movies a while, and that unnerves me. Also, this movie has some big titties in it. Chris Seaver knows how to make a movie right.

Tromafreak says:

Nov '18
Chris Seaver personally sent me this movie on blu-ray. I think it's the best thing he's done this decade. I prefer my Seaver with slightly less silliness. And I think I might prefer this Josh Suire over any other Josh Suire, including Caspian. That guy seriously needs to get off his ass and start being in other people's movies. As long as Seaver don't want to do it no more, Suire's going to waste.

I noticed Evil Night was on Amazon with the run time around 2 1/2 hours. They got them both back to back. The first one isn't bad. The guy who made that one went on to do Death Metal Zombies, which was a lot better.


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