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Sep '17
About a year ago, I started writing a book. A dirty soap, as I call it, chronicling the misadventures of the local delinquent cheerleaders in a crappy hick town, and the lame male protagonist that longs for them. Last month, I finished it. It's a whopping less-than 200 page male fantasy about disco, drugs, and delusional deadbeats. If that doesn't reel you in, GTFO.

Now for anyone who knows me, I fucking suck. I haven't written anything good in a looooong time, but I wrote this yarn and I want to put it online. I want to self-publish it on Amazon (though I have no idea how that works yet), and since I suck so badly, I only plan on charging $1 for it. That way, it might even seem like a value.

Do any of you read eBooks? Have you ever written a book? And how much would you charge for it? What would you write about?

OnyxHades says:

Sep '17 *
I think it's cool you are doing this! I'll definitely be buying it. I love the fact that people can self-publish nowadays.

I read e-books on occasion, but I mainly stick to actual books. I just prefer a physical copy. I suppose that one-day books will stop being printed altogether, so I better get used to e-books.

As for writing, I've written a few short stories in the past. Nothing I'd ever show anyone lol. I have been trying to talk Troma into giving writing a book a shot. I'd love to see what he could do with something along the lines of a Creepypasta. A compilation of his movie reviews would be pretty cool too.

Good luck with your book! Let us know when it's available.

foz says:

Sep '17
Hey fair play, whatever the standard actually writing and publishing something yourself is to be commended. Don't have a kindle or any other ebook device, however if you record yourself reading it i would buy the audiobook.

I've never written anything longer than a few pages, can't even call em short stories more like vignettes or random prose. And that was mostly in my teens/early twenties, whatever creative well i had ran dry years ago. Oh i wrote three songs for the band i was in at Uni (Rarg!) inc the classic 'MF Whitey'...

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Sep '17
I used to write a lot. It kept me sane, and I miss it. I've had a lot of fun writing this story. It was fun and challenging to do it, and even if it sucks, I'm proud to say I've written a novel...

I may be lower-class, but I still feel rather fulfilled by all the junk I've written over the years. I've written over a hundred songs, dozens of screenplays, enough computer code to run this place, and now a novel. The funny thing is most people have no idea I do any of this, because I never show it to anyone. It's more for myself, I guess.

Creativity is a hard thing to keep going, but since I never bought into the big time to be successful, I still haven't run out completely. It's a lower-class / starving-artist type thing, I guess, but whatever works, right?

Feel free to post any of your writings/lyrics. I might post a prologue to the story, so people can sample what I'm selling.

foz says:
#4, Reply to #3

Sep '17
just the idea of a novel makes me balk. forget editing/grammar shit, keeping a story interesting that long without sending yourself mad with rewrites is impressive, white trash low class whatever. Bukowski n Selby would be proud. like you n Onyx i (used to) write for myself and rarely show others, it's theraputic more than anything, get that shit out n that.

OnyxHades says:
#5, Reply to #4

Sep '17
I haven't written anything in years. I really admire people who have writing talent. Seems so easy for some people. I suppose they are just naturals.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.