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Aug '17
I noticed in our news feed that they're making a Planet of the Apes / King Kong crossover comic.
Comics can get all sorts of cool crossover treatments, like Evil Dead meets Darkman / Re-Animator, etc.

I know @smerd read a lot of PotA comics for last month's challenge. My question is more like multiple questions. Kinda drunk and rambling here, so bear with me...

Are the Planet of the Apes comics good?

What are your favorite comics?

Do you like the cross-overs?

I also saw they're doing a Zombi 2 comic sequel.

Thoughts on comics and stuff?


Aug '17
I read a Tarzan of the Planet of the Apes comic last month that was a lot of fun. Good art & a multiple timeline story that actually came to a satisfying conclusion. It pulled in some surprising characters from both universes - Milo from POTA and David Innes from Pellucidar, for instance.

I've always enjoyed crossovers and mash-ups. Phillip Jose Farmer has created a whole universe and written many fun books like that including biographies of both Tarzan and Doc Savage as well as the Riverworld series. Kim Newman's Anno Dracula books involve a great number of historical and fictional characters and are a great read. In comics, Alan Moore did a terrific mash-up with his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. His Tom Strong comics are sort of a mash-up of Doc Savage with several other pulp and sci/fi heroes. All great stuff. Most of Alan Moore's writing actually references a lot of pop culture heroes & villains.

I would love to someday create a mash-up of characters from both completely unrelated Burroughs - Edgar Rice & William S. Burroughs. Naked Lunch meets John Carter of Mars. But I'm too busy so hopefully someone else will get the same idea and create it before I die. And not suck at it.

Ballz says:

Aug '17
I wouldn't call myself a comic book enthusiast. I have a stack of maybe 20 or 30 I randomly bought over the years as a kid. As an adult however, I've gone out of my way to read some specific comics. Favorites:

Halloween: Nightdance. I'm pretty sure you read that and are in fact the one who told me about it. Didn't complicate itself with ties to the movies' characters like the other Halloween comics seem to and it worked well.

Stephen King's The Stand. More faithful to the novel the the mini-series. If you're interested in the novel, but don't feel like bothering with it due to the extreme length, the comic's not a bad alternative.

EC Comics. The 1950s stories the Amicus horror anthologies and Tales from the Crypt were based on. They only ran for a few years before some knobs whined until they were canceled. Of course, nothing within the pages of the comics is shocking now, but I still found them to be an entertaining read.

As far as crossovers go, if it counts, I've only read Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. It was just okay. They made a sequel to it, but I never read that. I like the idea of crossovers though. I think it's how Alien vs. Predator got started, with Terminator thrown into the mix too at some point.

I've seen Eibon Press' stuff before. Looks great I think. They did something with City of the Living Dead as well. Not sure if it was a sequel to it like what you linked or an actual adaptation.

Johan_WoW says:

Aug '17 *
I mostly read comics from home soil (Belgium). Don't think that many have international fame but I know The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, Asterix do and of course Tintin (Kuifje). I actually don't get to read much of them any more because of other interests (movies among others). Yet I still have a quite large collection of comic albums (2000+).
Anyway here are some more comic series I own (artist between backets):

* Sophie (Jidรฉhem)
* Melisande/Mรฉlusine (Clarke)
* Natasja (Walthรฉry)
* Sarah Spits/Jeannette Pointu (Wasterlain)
* Suske & Wiske (Vandersteen)
* Bakelandt (Leemans)
* Tina (several)
* Yoko Tsuno (Leloup)
* Dag & Heidi (Broeckx)

foz says:

Aug '17
my thoughts are 'why haven't i already got the 3 part re animator series from the 90s?!?!' damn...

big fan of horror/scifi comics, i used to collect 2000ad still have a couple of boxes at home in me ma's attic. These days i mostly buy 'graphic novels' (just call them comics!) or one shots/collected rather than buy by edition. From Hell is up there with the best.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6c/d6/e4/6cd6e4634dfcfb049a2440b3ae8db585--the-scarecrow-simon-bisley.jpgCrossovers i'm not as familair with, i have an original '91 copy of Judgement on Gotham the first Dredd/Batman crossovers that also features Judge Death & Simon Bisley's awesome depiction of The Scarecrow. >>>>
I have some Hellraiser comics, but none of the (many) Pinhead/Cenobite crossovers. One of them is a 'choose your own adventure' style comic tho, which is fun.

i have a handful of 80s and 90s originals, most of which stolen from my older bro inc a softcover 1st edition collected Watchmen, same with Tank Girl & this shiny 1989 collection of Miller's Batman which according to amazon is going for about 100 bucks second hand now, nice. mine's got a bit of a moth-eared pigbitten look going now, nowhere near mint condition. for reading not selling!


Sep '17
some favorites

Swamp Thing
Tank Girl
the Maxx
Battle Angel Alita
Spider-Man (Lee or Straczynski runs are tops)
DnA's Guardians of the Galaxy
Madman and the Atomics
the Crow
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Savage Dragon
Sex Criminals (only thing i'm currently reading)
Great Lakes Avengers


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.