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Jan '17 *
I just read that Asghar Farhadi wont be attending the Oscars. Yeah, that's right. Who the fuck is he, and why should I care? That's rhetorical. I don't give a fuck who he is. I just think it's stupid, and I hate news that tries to impress upon you that certain people's opinions matter. I also hate Hollywood for trying to beg us to vote for their sponsor, and throwing fits when the better man wins. We could make better news than that.

Dear Trump, make the news great again.

Ballz says:

Jan '17
Were most mainstream news outlets ever great? Hard to imagine so with the Clinton News Network.

I'm a little scared of what the US is going to become during Trump's presidency, but it's not because of Trump. It's because of the attitude from hiveminded liberals that if you support Trump, you're racist and homophobic. Seems like everyday on Twitter, I see a post wishing death upon Trump and his supporters (at least if you're a white Trump supporter). All fueled by the MSM and Hollywood with their anti-Trump narrative. And for those they've brainwashed into believing Trump is LITERALLY Hitler, it's all black-and-white. You're either with them 100% or against them 100%.

It's a pipe dream, but one of the best things Trump could do for this country? Shut down all mainstream media. End the constant fake news and force people to look at less biased sources for current events. Of course, even then, some would refuse to believe that they were lied to.

Ballz says:
#12, Reply to #10

Feb '17
Personally, I wonder if they're in panic mode. Why else make such a claim? I think that if more people actually did trust them, they wouldn't need to make any claim like that.

Did you hear about the secretly recorded audiotapes from CNN leaking today? Haven't looked into it yet myself, but I'm sure it exposes some of their behind-the-scenes fuckery.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.