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Nov 2016
I started watching Batman vs. Superman last night, and it was so bad, I turned it off barely 10 minutes in. Then I got to thinking how much I fucking HATE Zack Snyder.

Fuck that guy!

BloodWank says:

Nov 2017
If I remember right Snyder got very peeved at the negative responses to Man of Steel and Batman vs. Superman and has done a bunch of incoherent and tone deaf explaining of them. Artists engaging with criticism should probably just do it via their art I think. Unless they're really smart and witty they only make things worse.

Who do I hate? Well, the usual like Bono and Bob Geldoff and Chris Martin and Phil Anselmo and Gene Simmons and Katie Hopkins and Nigel Farage and Jeremy Hunt and Jared Leto and Adam Sandler and so forth. At a serious level Hunt is the worst, the NHS crisis being a literal matter of life and death for a lot of people. On a less serious level, Adam Sandler. I find his antics charmless, creepy and unpleasant and he seems to have been the pioneer of the modern style of grown adults acting like handicapped children for "comedy" purposes. He puts me in mind of a non porn and not awesome Zebedy Colt.

BloodWank says:
#22, Reply to #21

Nov 2017
I've read that Sandler basically just makes films to have fun with his friends. I'll give him a chance if he ever does "serious" projects again though. Not necessarily serious is in not comedy, not not coasting, pandering stuff. I remember liking Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore but its been ages since I saw them and I don't know if they'd still be for me. Murphy is sadder for me because I still revisit Beverly Hills Cop, 48 Hours and Trading Places from time to time nowadays and I think they're consistently ace. Guess the money is too great a lure for him. It doesn't have to be the case that people get families and become family friendly of course. I don't know whether Charlie Brooker has any kids yet but Black Mirror still has the filth and darkness and madness of his earliest work, it's just a lot smarter and more mature. Marriage and mainstream work and stuff just gave him a bit of wisdom and a broader outlook.





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