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Feb '16
Thoughts? I don't know who to vote for, and I'm not sure I'm even registered, but I feel it might be time I actually voted. I don't know shit about politics, nor do I care, but I want to vote just so I can vote against Bernie Sanders. That guy will fuck this country up so bad, I might have to move to Canada. Hell, I'd much rather vote Trump than him.

Your thoughts on the election?

Tromafreak says:

Feb '16
I hate politics almost as much as I hate politicians. They're all scumbags who were probably class presidents in highschool who got a taste of "power" and liked it. At some point, these pieces of shit decided they wanted to control people. Same with cops, lawyers and judges. Elections bore the hell outta me, but there's one thing about this I find interesting. an asshole named Donald Trump. An asshole who is rich enough to be as brash as he wants to be. He's not sugar coating anything. He's not a politician. He's not portraying himself as that squeaky clean Christian baby kisser who's never so much as uttered a profane word or told a little white lie. He tells it like it is, and he doesn't need to accept money from anyone. Therefore, he will not owe anyone anything if he wins. So, he can concentrate 100% on making this a better country, which will mean making radical decisons which will piss many people off. We've desperately needed someone like that in office for decades. Trump is not a loser, and I can't see him settling for being remembered as a shitty president, or even a mediocre one. I'm no expert on politics. He could end up being horrible for all I know, but I know that it's time for something different, cuz this same pattern has been going on for far too long. Time to take a chance on a real asshole, as opposed to a fake one.

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #4

Feb '16


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.