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Feb '16
Thoughts? I don't know who to vote for, and I'm not sure I'm even registered, but I feel it might be time I actually voted. I don't know shit about politics, nor do I care, but I want to vote just so I can vote against Bernie Sanders. That guy will fuck this country up so bad, I might have to move to Canada. Hell, I'd much rather vote Trump than him.

Your thoughts on the election?

zed says:

Feb '16
Youre not felling the bern, how will he fuck up the country?
None of the candidates will screw it up, even the total batshit crazy like Cruz with his 10% flat tax rate wont, basically cause the 10% flat taxrate is so insane it will never be allowed to happen.

US politic's is a cesspool, its a very undemocratic country, 90% of the voters votes are actually worthless and actually make zero difference. Hopefully this election will wake up a lot of ppl in the US to the fact that the US is not a true democratic country, its not as bad as say china, but its actually worse than some middle eastern countries, WTF is up with that?

A few changes that can be made
1. unchange the law that made companies are people!, how could any rightminded person agree with the logic behind this
2. it needs 2 leaders, a PM & president
3. it needs a more democratic style of government election

zed says:
#7, Reply to #2

Feb '16
Therefore, he will not owe anyone anything if he wins. So, he can concentrate 100% on making this a better country, which will mean making radical decisons which will piss many people off

sarcasm is often hard to tell on the internet I assume you're being sarcastic but just in case someone thinks you're being serious

1. As has been proven with multiple studies 'the richer the person' the less generous the person, the less they will do for their fellow humans
2. Berlusconi, as you may know is twice as rich as trump and ex-pm of italy, now he didn't make that country better off, hes actually a very similar personality to trump
hes doing it A, cause he's got a huge ego, B, to enrich himself
both BTW are fans of russian president Putin, who coincidentially is a billionare with a huge ego who's used his position to enrih himself

Personally I would love for trump to win the election, as it will provide 4 years of comedy (I don't give a shit about the US economy as it only affects me marginally)

Yes I agree 99% of politicians are total selfserving assholes, part of the problem is that so many of them come from the profession of Law

zed says:

Feb '16 *
Conspiracy time
I was listening to 'stuff they dont want you to know' podcast the other day, and they were talking about how trump is on record as saying bill clinton was the best US president etc. Well aparently trump had a phone call with clinton just before he announced he was gonna run for president
speculations that the clintons want trump to run?

Hopefully we'll have a trump vs Bernie run off emoticon

zed says:
#14, Reply to #10

Feb '16
But Kanyes like a black version of Trump, I expect Kanye's doing for all our own good.
Imagine the destruction if somehow both Kanye's and Trumps ego were in the same Room at once emoticon

zed says:
#15, Reply to #12

Feb '16

zed says:
#18, Reply to #17

Feb '16
I used to listen to John Oliver in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bugle in that weekly comedy podcast, pretty funny sometimes. Alas it is no moreemoticon

zed says:
#26, Reply to #24

Mar '16
A couple of years ago, 600 top economists (including 7 that won the nobel prize for economics & 8 past presidents of the American Economic Association) urged the US government to raise the minimum wage by 50%.

More security is a terrible idea cause its not economically intelligent. eg the cost of the iraq/afganistan war is between $4-6 trillion http://time.com/3651697/afghanistan-war-cost/ i.e. $12500-17500 paid by every US citizen. How has the removal of saddam hussein and replacing him with ISIS made the world safer?
How many billions were spent on US homeland security last year?
More people died in the US last year from food poisoning than from all the terrorists in the USA this century (this includes the 9/11 attacks)
yet which one gets all the media coverage, cash

zed says:
#25, Reply to #20

Mar '16
theres a pulitizer prize winning website that takes the candidates and checks to see what theyve claimed is actually true or not

Hillary Clinton, true 52%, halftrue 20%, lie 27%
Bernie Sanders, true 51%, halftrue 19%, lie 29%
Ted Cruz, true 22%, halftrue 13%, lie 65%
Donald Trump, true 9%, halftrue 14%, lie 78%

I'm assuming why the republican candidates lie far more is because there were more ppl contesting that side of the nomination, thus the candidates felf the need to make outrageous statements to get the limelight

In saying that, I'm hoping for a Trump Victory


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