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Star Wars

Jan '16
So I finally got around to watching the original Star Wars trilogy so I could be caught up for the new one. Honestly, I thought it was okay. Had I grew up watching the series, I'm sure I'd have a bigger hardon for it, but as it stands... simply okay.

I can understand why these movies were a big deal, because they explored different planets, had a ton of aliens, weird technology, robots, and a lot of ambitious shit going on. I'm still quite curious about how they were originally, before they added all the CGI and SFX, but whatev. Some of the stop-motion looking stuff was pretty cool, and I guess the CGI was passable for '97 standards.

Fun Fact: My step-mom's sister is married to Peter Mayhew, who plays Chewbacca. That's why I feel compelled to try to have a stronger interest in the series, yet I can only consider my interest casual at best.

Tromafreak says:

Jan '16
I was all about the Horror and Comedy as a kid, and never gave 2 shits about stuff like that. Had a friend in the 2000's (Jeremy from Tromafreak's Worst Nightmare fame) who dragged me to the theater to see all 3 prequels, and I was pretty board. Third one was good, though, but I was still indifferent to the whole thing. Later on, I watched the original 3 and liked them. Or really just appreciated them as the Sci-fi accomplishments that they were. While, I'd like to see this new one, I doubt I'll ever be a Star Wars person. Or even someone who likes post-60's Sci-fi in general.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jan '16
You don't like post-60s sci-fi? I haven't seen much pre-60s sci-fi besides Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing from Another World, and The Blob (all probably more horror than sci-fi though), but there have been some damn good post-60s sci-fi. Some of my favorites would be The Terminator and Terminator 2, Back to the Future, Blade Runner, Alien, Dark Star, RoboCop, Twelve Monkeys, They Live, and Total Recall to name a few.

I revisited the original Star Wars trilogy, but I have reservations about watching the prequel trilogy. I feel like I'd be watching a shit-ton of CGI, and the damn Jar Jar Binks. I heard that you can actually see his skeleton in the desert in the new movie. emoticon

When I saw The Phantom Menace in theaters, I passed the fuck out. I don't remember anything about the movie. Years later, I'd attend a special advanced screening of Episode 2: The Clone Wars (due to being vaguely related to Chewy), and I remember seeing that the theater next to us was playing Jason X, and I wanted to see that instead. emoticon Of course, that turned out to be a real piece of shit, but a Jason fan is a Jason fan.

Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jan '16
Well, of course there are exceptions. BTTF and Terminator just plain kick ass, sci-fi or not.

I just like Sci-fi when it was more simple. Before we knew there was other shit out there besides our own solar system. Little movies about a bunch of dudes and one chick headed to Venus, where they have to deal with some stupid looking monster, or come across a race of hot chicks on the moon or something. B-Sci-Fi is truly dead.

Tommix says:
#8, Reply to #3

Jan '16 *
I go to a local science fiction specialty library sometimes, and I have noticed books that are like what you are describing. Here are a couple... I hope I can remember how to make these $%^&*?#@! (pardon me, this is Trash Epics, I meant to say "fucking") links clickable, after being away for weeks.



Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #8

Jan '16
You type your link, select it, and click the 'URL' button. How is this difficult for people?

The 'Link' button is only if you want your link to be text that's different than the url. Maybe I should just hide the Link button, since nobody understands it.

RedHawk10 says:

Jan '16 *
Love the first three. The rest range from fun to holychristsomeoneturnthisshitoff.

zed says:

Jan '16
peter mayhew's finest hour, you've gotta watch it, I was in tears
we have princess lelia on drugs, luke skywalker with so much makeup on and looking like he has got a carrot up his arse, han solo looking as how the hell did my agent get me into this crap
but mostly chewwy's family

NoseOfNicko says:

Jan '16 *
I love the original Star Wars trilogy. I wouldn't call myself a huge fan though.

I saw the new one for the second time today and it's really great (I liked it more than the first time). It's a bit of a rehash, but it's really entertaining, seeing Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill in a Star Wars movie again is awesome and some of the new characters are great.

zed says:

Jan '16 *
top 10 favorite sci-fi, looks like the 80s was its heyday

Bad Taste (1987)
R.O.T.O.R. (1987)
Alien (1979)
The Thing (1982)
Planet of the Apes (1968)
Re-Animator (1985)
Blade Runner (1982)
Flash Gordon (1980)
The Fly (1986)
Twelve Monkeys (1995)

I could easily list a 100

damn_cyborg says:

Jan '16
I've been a huge fan of the original trilogy ever since I was a wee lad. Ambitious films that still hold up well today for the most part IMO. The prequel trilogy is terrible however, largely because Lucas lost sight of what made the original films work. Lucas not being involved with the franchise now is for the best, because The Force Awakens was tremendous!

klownz says:

Jan '16
I rewatched them recently & the new scenes & CGI ruin them BUT available online you can get fan-made blu-ray editions that cut all the aditional bullshit out.

Me & a load of people i worked with had dinner with Peter Mayhew once... dude is tall as fuck & rocks a bad ass light saber walking stick!


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