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Dec '15
Honestly... I can say I'm a fan of this. I really get into movie franchises because it's ongoing and you get more fleshed out characters, yada yada. Basically, you just get more out of a series, and if you're anything like me, you get obsessive, and want to follow it.

That's why I love that so many classic movie series'ez are getting (and have gotten) this ongoing treatment.


Ash vs. Evil Dead - Evil Dead fans have been waiting for a part 4 forever. Then the remake came out, and may possibly be part 4 in a strange sense. Then we got something better. Bruce Campbell as the heroically incompetent Ash Williams, every Saturday night, for 2 and a half months! FUCK YES!
Bates Motel - A contemporary remake of Psycho? Why?! Wait a second, it's actually pretty damn decent! Vera is charming and Freddie, although very whiny, still has that Batshit Bates quality to him.
Clerks - A 6-episode cartoon with the real Dante and Randal, as well as Alec Baldwin, James Woods, Judge Reinhold, and least importantly, Charles Barkley. Pure Gold.
Fargo - Only speaking for the first season at this point, it was BETTER than the movie, and a sequel in the sense that it follows one loose-end of the movie. Can't wait to marathon the second season...
Freddy's Nightmares - I've only seen 3 episodes, but I've always wanted to see the rest. Robert Englund AS Freddy Krueger, hosting an anthology of Springwood horror stories is all I need. He's not too old to do this shit again! Bring Robert back!
RoboCop: The Series - RoboCop... a hyper-violent cyborg crime drama in the 80s. In the 90s, we'll make it family-friendly! Sort of a Saturday Morning Cartoons-y vibe, but you know what? This wasn't that bad either! The actor was the second best RoboCop of the series!
RoboCop: Prime Directives - 4 movies that felt like sci-fi fanfic, but at least it brought the violence back. Infinitely better than RoboCop 3.
Scream - A conceptual spin-off that has absolutely nothing to do with the movies. That really is the best way to go about it though. It wasn't bad by any means. I still feel very stupid for having watched an MTV show.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - A tad convoluted for most audiences, but as an aspiring Terminator, I enjoyed fitting the pieces together. It's like a fan-fic show gone nuts, but it was pretty fun, and incredibly faithful to the first two movies. Cancelled for too many filler episodes.
Toxic Crusaders - The family-friendly Troma cartoon! No gore, no sex jokes, and corny as hell. I wish there were more episodes...
Trailer Park Boys - This is technically a follow-up to a few short films, then the 1999 black and white movie. If any of you know me, you'll I'm a huge fan of this show. It's the most TRASH EPIC of any show, ever.
Tremors - There was a sci-fi show starring Burt Gummer as his recurring character in the series, Burt Gummer. Sci-fi fucked this show sideways by airing the episodes out of order, so it was cancelled, but I liked it!
Wet Hot American Summer - A prequel to the 2001 film (set in 1981). While it was filmed nearly 15 years after the original movie, it's set a mere month before the movie, with the SAME CAST. It's goddamn BRILLIANT!


Hannibal - I've never seen any episodes, but most people seemed to like it for being extremely violent. Shrug? I don't care for the movies.

Cumming Soon

Friday the 13th - Announced for CW, so it'll probably suck ass, but I don't know when this shit is gonna happen, so I don't care yet.
Rambo - Just anounced, with Stallone executive producing, about the relationship between him and his also highly trained son. That's what I figure anyway, so I just hope that means Stallone is in the show.
Tremors - Announced with Kevin Bacon starring and executive producing. SOLD!
Wolf Creek - I heard recent news about this, and I'm all for it! Mick Taylor is a great villain.

Do you like 'em or do you love 'em?
What do you want to see?


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