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Jun '15
Halloween Returns. It invokes the thought of another bad sequel. Halloween Re...surrection? Yup. That's the one.

But hey, I can't complain. We get not one, but two Halloween movies next year. (Rob Zombie's 31 should be interesting.) I'm obsessed.

Tromafreak says:

Jun '15
It just pisses me off that it's another remake instead of a part 9. I keep expecting these old franchises to make a comeback. And I still believe atleast one of two of them eventually will.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jun '15
It sounds like it's a sequel to part 1 only, just like Texas Chainsaw was a sequel only to the original chainsaw. It seems like a very lazy approach to wipe the slate clean by retconning the established mythology because the director says so. Marcus Dunstan hasn't proven himself worthy of the franchise at all, and he can't even come up with a good title. Then again, the producers of this series have always made bone-headed decisions.

RedHawk10 says:

Jun '15
Eh, I'll watch it.

Halloween movies always have potential, but other than the first and to a much lesser extent the fourth they never really capitilize on it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jun '15
Absolutely. The most honest sequel to Halloween would be the comic Halloween: Nightdance. That one was pretty bad-ass. I love all of them more than I should, but I'll easily admit they have flaws. This one just starts out with flaws from the get go. Not a good sign...

damn_cyborg says:

Jun '15
I'll watch it as long as it ignores the terrible Halloween films Zombie made.

BloodWank says:

Jun '15
They need to have Michael team up with Leprechaun in Space.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.