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Nov 22
We all know the story. It was a Grindhouse trailer that's been in limbo for about 15 years, and just when we had lost all hope... this movie suddenly and actually exists. Thanksgiving has been pretty scarce on horror, so Eli Roth decided to step up and finally give the holiday a worthwhile slasher flick, and he's still got it.

A year after a Black Friday mishap, a target group of the teen variety get picked off in thanksgiving-esque ways. Meanwhile, the police investigate the whodunnit which takes some cues/scenes from the original trailer, but adds a tech angle with social media. I guess slasher flicks have finally mastered how to keep cell phones from ruining the magic of the formula. These days, you simply need to integrate cell phones into the plot, because they're not going anywhere.

Honestly, I never had really high hopes for the movie, so I went in with low expectations. It was fun. I laughed a lot, particularly at the opening Black Friday havoc, because I think of how stupid that shit is. Stupid because people used to get trampled for real, and stupid because it's barely relevant today with online shopping and cheap/free deliveries.

I'm happy that a horror fan like Eli Roth finally made a slasher movie. You would think that would have been a thing years ago, but nope. I'm a box of hair, and I approve of this movie.

zed says:

Nov 25
Yeah seems to be getting good reviews from what I can see





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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.