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Sep '23
Dwight H. Little directs a new Halloween-centric horror film with Bill Moseley, Robert Englund, and Danielle Harris. Yes, she's come full circle here, which is enough for me to get excited.

Some teen witnesses Bill Moseley doing bad things, and it becomes a cat and mouse thing. Some teen's mom is Danielle Harris, and it's funny to see. She's still fine as hell, but she's more of a supporting character here. Bill is the main villain, and he's adequate. He plays it well, but he doesn't have a hell of a lot to work with.

The movie looks good, but I couldn't figure out where it was going or what it was trying to achieve. I disengaged a bit in the middle... and a bit more at the end... but I definely did watch this movie.

Watch it for the actors. They're great. The movie itself is pretty meh.

Tommix says:

Sep '23
I still think it sucks that they excluded Danielle H from the latest batch of Halloween movies. They should have stuck her in there somewhere. At least a little cameo, although it would have been much better, and made much more sense, to give her some kind of prominent role.

It would be really cool if she (I'm talking about HER, actually her personally, not her character Jamie Lloyd) ended up having some kind of commanding voice in the future of the franchise. John Carpenter looks like death warmed over, he can't possibly live too much longer. I would be really happy to see Danielle get to have some kind of major input into the direction of the franchise.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep '23
I agree that it's a shame. A cameo at the very least for one of the franchise's most important actresses! She should have played Karen. I know Danielle was plenty disheartened that she wasn't asked to appear. Even more upset when she finally met Jamie Lee, who didn't even know who she was.

Carpenter doesn't even have input on the series. That would be the Akkad family still. I would definitely use Danielle as the franchise hero if I had any input. I even wrote a story for her character to come back. Well, in the process of writing it...


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.