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Jul '23
You're relaxing and you want to stare at some screens. How do you do it? Is everyone on mobile? Are there any dinosaurs in the audience who still sit at a desk and use a desktop or even laptop computer?

I have a moderate size tv, I think around 36". Not mounted, because I don't want to fuck up my walls anymore than they already are. I have a laptop that I never take anywhere. It sits on my desk, so it is essentially a desktop computer. I just upgraded my wired mouse & keyboard for wireless and I feel so liberated. Wires are such a mess. This new keyboard is tiny and slim.

I get mad at myself for loving computers so much, but not even taking advantage of good technology when it's all easily available and cheap even. Like anything bluetooth. Does anybody have their house set up to do stuff? They made horror movies about that already.

My room isn't adequate for a good sound setup either, so no surround sound system here. Maybe bluetooth headphones would be good.

Technology is weird. What say you?

Znep27 says:

Jul '23
Depending on where I am, it's either on mobile, or on my laptop. I have a little desk, but I barely use it. Normally I have my laptop resting on my belly while I relax in my lazy boy.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #1

Jul '23
Lazy boy sounds nice. Almost a little too nice. I could use a better chair for my setup, because mine isn't doing my posture any favors. I need something I can lean back in. I think the wireless peripheral devices may be more condusive to that at least.

Tommix says:

Jul '23
I do some stuff on my phone, but when I come here I'm usually on my laptop in my apartment. Now and then I bring my laptop to various libraries... I am not nearly as technologically up-to-date as I should be, and I have no excuse for that at all. My father was creating algorithms and programming computers starting back in the mid-1960s, and his father before him was an adjunct professor of math. I was introduced to computers... probably before you were even born, Box. I remember playing with my cousins' TRS-80 computer, when all its programs were on cassette tapes.

But in today's world, I am bewildered a LOT, and I rarely have a very deep understanding of what the hell people are talking about, in terms of technology. (Or in most other ways, but that's not important right now). Having said all that, it would be really cool to have my house all synched up with devices all over the place, like Allison Williams' house in Megan. At this time, I have no reason to think I will be able to bring technology into my home in that way in the near future... and, that probably means I will never get to live in a fully technologically integrated way before civilization totally collapses, which, as you may have noticed, it seems to be doing all around us, right.... bleeping.... now.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #2

Jul '23
That's cool about your parents and grandparents. My dad does stuff with electronics. I don't understand any of that. I like coding because it's all logic and syntax. Very explicit.

Since my laptop cost a pretty penny, I don't feel comfortable taking it places. If I wanted to take a bigger device around, I'd get myself a chrome book. I bought my mom one and she refuses to understand how it works, even though these things are pretty straight-forward these days. If I can do it, anyone can!

Didn't wifi emitters used to allow only x amount of devices to connect? Now, everything is a smart device. They even have smart fridges and smart toilets. "Hey shitter, unclog yourself!"

#7, Reply to #2

Jul '23
All hail disciples of the Radio Shack TRS-80!

Ballz says:

Jul '23
I'm that dinosaur still sitting at a desk and using a desktop. How else am I supposed to look at porn?

My screen is some old, beat up piece of shit monitor I'm surprised still turns on. A couple small speakers sit to either side of it. Sometimes I use an HDMI from the desktop to a nearby TV to watch a downloaded movie, but the positioning makes it awkward to use the TV as my main screen.

My mouse and keyboard are both wired and you're right, wires are a mess. A tiny keyboard sounds lame though. My current desktop came with a small keyboard and I hated it. Wasn't long before I dug out the bigger keyboard it was supposed to replace.

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #3

Jul '23
The small keyboard does take some getting used to. There is no numpad and there's a function key before the ctrl key, so my shortcut keys aren't as instinctive as they used to be. I wish I could switch those keys around.

Porn is definitely bigger on a device bigger than a mobile phone, but that hasn't stopped me from using my phone for dirty purposes before.

I also used to do the PC-wired-to-TV for certain viewings. They allow casting for that now, but I must have done it wrong, because the audio didn't sync or there was lag or something. Some year, I'll figure it out.


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