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M3GAN 2023

Mar '23
The plot is reminiscent of Child's Play 2019. Megan is a prototype designed to bond with a child, and it's always expected that the robots will go haywire and ignore morality. Does that make this movie a derivative waste of time? No, it's actually pretty legit. Don't let kids spend too much time with their devices, or those devices will remove you from the equation.

Obviously, there will be some dickhead businessman trying to rush an unfinished project onto the market, but shouldn't we do some more tests? You know, to prevent some Skynet type of shit?

The doll itself is pretty cool. There is a human acting under there, so it isn't some green-screen cgi garbage. Played by some child dancer, the movements are pretty interesting, and I guess some people are weirded out by seeing that "thing" dance, but by then, I think M3GAN actually won me over. I wish I had a psycho humanoid robot toy when I was growing up.

Tromafreak says:

Mar '23
Yeah, I figured whoever made this watched the Child's Play remake and was all like "Pffft! I can do better than that". And I think they did. Pretty nice violence in the unrated version. Especially when she yanked that kid's ears off. Interesting how they show us how harmful the whole thing can be to impressionabl minds, even aside from the killing and stuff. The very vulnerable girl had become not only too dependant, but dependant in every way, on this thing that's not even a living being. Even somewhat addicted to the relationship. It helped her move on from the grief, and was even helping her on an academic level more than any teacher ever could, but it was never going to be able to offer a certain level of wisdom or support a human parent could, which would have eventually caused her to grow into one fucked up adult. The real horror of it all would be those things eventually becoming more affordable and wrecking an entire generation.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Mar '23
Aren't movies about the terrors of AI so much fun? But at the same time, I'm sorta sad that Terminator proved that point so well that it may have sent us back a while in terms of AI progress. The scientists be thinking, "better not get too invested in this fad, lest we inadvertently create Skynet..."

Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #2

Mar '23
Nah, those who are obsessed with money and power won't let anything stand in their way. Whatever they are able to do, they'll do it. The soulless workalholic aunt in the movie learned her lesson and ended up growing as a person, and was able to open her heart to her niece, because it was a movie. I don't think good shit like that happens in real life. emoticon

Tommix says:
#23, Reply to #2

Mar '23
I heard that someone asked an AI to create a version of Family Guy in the style of an 80s sitcom, and it actually did a pretty decent, respectable job on it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#24, Reply to #23

Mar '23
There are a lot of "AI-generated" images, and I don't know how the fuck that works. Plus, they always wind up giving the humans 6 or more fingers on each hand. Wtf?

zed says:
#25, Reply to #24

Mar '23
I'm using it to do the graphics in my new game

Box_a_Hair says:
#26, Reply to #25

Mar '23
So your AI-generated image is giving Ash two hands? emoticon

Tommix says:
#27, Reply to #24

Mar '23
Sometimes teeth turn out kind of funky, too. Like, one buck tooth right in the middle of someone's upper row of teeth, rather than two of them, one on each side of the middle of the top row of teeth.

zed says:

Mar '23 *
By coincidence Im actually gonna watch this over the next week, after a couple of films first.
I see its filmed in NZ a couple of km away from my grandmothers place, though hers was a rundown neighbourhood.
Yes AI will be the death of all as I've been saying for the last 30 years, Now it does look like its on the cusp of happening, my original prediction back in the 90s was 2032 for the singularity. Which actually does look like having a large chance of occuring

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

Mar '23
2032 is when the T-850 killed John Connor, according to T3. It's also when Demolition Man takes place. If we're not fighting in the resistance, we'll be using the seashells. Either way, we're fucked.

zed says:
#6, Reply to #5

Mar '23
You sure? I thought it was earlier. I'll check
here it saiz 2029

OK here it saiz 2032 for terminator 3

though they have a lot of years where events take place
1984 - 1995 - 2004 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2015 - 2018 - 2020 -2027 - 2029 - 2031 - 2032 - 2036 - 2042

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #6

Mar '23
I'm no stranger to the convoluted Terminator timeline. 2029 is when the T-800/Reese and T-800(T2)/T-1000 are sent back. The T-850 kills JC in 2032, then they reprogram him and send him back in 2033. Of course, none of it matters since the timelines are overwritten all the time.

Tommix says:
#10, Reply to #4

Mar '23
I think Ray Kurzweil used to expect the Singularity to happen in 2042 or so, but we are already getting pretty damn close, as far as I can tell. I guess we just have to hope Skynet will be benevolent, when it... emerges? Is born? Incarnates? However we should express that.

markus-san says:

Mar '23 *
This scene is a true masterpiece:


Znep27 says:
#9, Reply to #8

Mar '23
You Brits really do love condensation.


zed says:
#16, Reply to #9

Mar '23
nice one, appreciate the effort involved to link to that

zed says:
#13, Reply to #8

Mar '23
Yeah I actually watched about the first half of the film last night, wow acting sucks big time

zed says:
#15, Reply to #13

Mar '23
watched the rest, yeah a pretty middling film.
I still can't get over how bad the acting was for such a big budget film

zed says:
#18, Reply to #17

Mar '23
mate take the above clip. You have to wonder why the editor decided to cut to the dopey confused look on the moms face after she had been told by the director to act confused.
But nearly every one in this film was bad. It was sort of like they were trying to do a bad acting comedy.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.