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Feb '23
The fact that this movie exists is wonderful. It's a big middle finger to Disney, and they deserve it. When you get around to watching the actual movie, you'll find it's a very mixed bag. The concept is a big lolwtf pitch, and the plot is amazing: a bunch of girls go to a secluded house in the woods and some bad stuff happens. We don't need to reinvent the wheel here, so we wont. We know we're watching a slasher movie, and this movie doesn't try to put on any airs. It really is as dumb as it sounds.

Pros: Gratuitous hotties and violence. Adequate slasher characters. Cool animated opening recap. Ominous woodland setting. Short runtime. The selfy character was hot and had some good boobs.

Cons: Very minimal nudity. Bad lighting. You can't tell what's going on half the time. Gore is hard to see. Poor cinematography and shaky cam. Drawn out scenes.

This movie is better in theory than execution. The nature of this project is something I felt must contribute to, though. To support my local theater and to support stupid bullshit movie ideas.



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