make obzervashins about ahdieense
A marijuana-themed holiday in which stoners get even more stoned on April 20th.
A holiday celebrated on December 1st, in which everyone is encouraged to get AIDS.
A story consisting of multiple smaller stories. This type of narrative caters to those with short attention spans.
A holiday celebrated on April 1st, when people play pranks on everyone. It's annoying as fuck.
A wtf holiday about trees, celebrated on the last Friday in April.
The first day of Lent, in which participants fast for 40 days. It occurs 46 days before Easter Sunday.
A country/continent filled with kangaroos and barbeque shrimp.
A holiday celebrated on January 26th in honor of the 1788 arrival of the Brits.
A genre of films consisting of lower quality than that of a Hollywood film, or A-movie.
A guy who dresses up like a bat and fights crime at night.