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Nov '16
As you know I was hoping for a win for the Trumpster emoticon, I'll use this post as a record to see if in 4 years time, he has kept to his main promises.

1. Build a beautiful 55' high wall and make the mexicans pay for it
2. Drain the swamp, eg Senators limited to 2 terms
3. Increase median Wages above inflation
4. Decrease unemployment rate
5. Decrease government debt currently $19.818 trillion
6. Deport 2 Million people in the first hour of his Precidency
7. Impose 45% tariff on chinese goods
8. Ban muslims from entering the USA
9. Lock Clinton up
10. Personally become one of the 100 richest americans for the first time

👍1 đŸ’Ŧ49 🚸 👀4.8k

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov '16
I'm hopeful he can get it done. The only one that seems really doubtful is Hillary actually going to jail, which is a damn shame!

zed says:
#3, Reply to #1

Nov '16 *
What would she go to jail for?

Also what do you think about Trumps plan to give the top 0.1 percent of taxpayers(*) -- people earning multiple millions of dollars a year, on average -- will get more tax relief than the bottom 60 percent(**) of taxpayers combined?

(*)eg Hillary
(**)eg you

OnyxHades says:

Nov '16
I think it would be fun to build a giant slingshot at the wall. Fling em over just as soon as they climb over.

zed says:

Nov '16
Damn why do we have to wait so long till the Trumpster gets sworn in, I can't wait for the comedy to start. Yes I know on my website in 2000, when I recommended voting for Bush he wasn't as funny as he could of been, but I have a good feeling with the trumpster

eg Read this today, heres him talking a couple of monster ago, about the university case
"I could have settled this case numerous times, but I don't want to settle cases when we're right. I don't believe in it. And when you start settling cases, you know what happens? Everybody sues you because you get known as a settler. One thing about me, I am not known as a settler,"
Today he settles that case for $25million emoticon

zed says:

Nov '16
Im watching john saxon's 'the bees', the trumpster will need to ban this film since it shows some diego's defeating a wall

insanislupus says:

Feb '17
The wall's fucking stupid. Put a bunch of temp agencies and buses on the border and ship those people all over the country. They're coming here to do crappy jobs Americans won't even sign up for, so I don't see why people are crying.


Feb '17
I hope Trump dies in office and then Pence takes over and I hope Pence dies in office and Ryan takes over and I hope Ryan dies in office and ............

foz says:

Feb '17
Well, he managed to instigate no.8, at least temprarily. He does seem to be bringing a smile to most of the Western world, for reasons on both ends of the spectrum

Here's his actual words dubbed over a dude pretending to be drunk


& in the interests of equality, here's CassetteBoy ripping this piss outta Cameron. May has not provided enough ammo as yet...


foz says:

Jun '17
so how's The Donald doing?


Box_a_Hair says:
#11, Reply to #9

Jun '17
I'm sick of people ragging on Trump. Especially people like this tool who don't even live in the country.

6 months of Trump in office >>>>>>>>>> 8 years of Obama in office

If the goddamn media wouldn't scrutinize every single thing he does, people wouldn't have such low opinions of him. They never did it to this extreme with any other president. "Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else only 1". What kind of world are we living in when we let the media troll us like this?

Let his actions speak for themselves. Trump may have brought peace to the middle east, and people are still trying to sue him and slander him. People are getting dumber as the day goes on.

foz says:
#12, Reply to #11

Jun '17
haha, well put. let me just say the vid doesn't represent my views & the guy is a character, he rants hate on eveyone equally mostly politicians, but also God n other stuff. i just thought it was funny

with you in that as i don't live in the US i can't pass judgement on how DT is running the place. Our media is as bias as any other when it comes to representing...well, anything.

peeptoad says:
#13, Reply to #11

Jun '17
If the goddamn media wouldn't scrutinize every single thing he does, people wouldn't have such low opinions of him.

I can't let this one slide... you do realize why he's being scrutinized don't you? It's not just because people don't "like" him. And it has actually been done to other presidents in the past there just wasn't any internet around then so the multitudes couldn't blast off at every notion.

Box_a_Hair says:
#16, Reply to #13

Jun '17
Bush and Obama were around in the days of internet, and sure... people talked crap about 'em, but today? It's absolutely fucking ridiculous what gets coverage, and what these outlets consider "news". I'm not sure what specifically you're referring to, because there's so much fake news mixed in with the real news, it could be anything.

peeptoad says:
#17, Reply to #16

Jun '17 *
Well, the main pres I was thinking of was Nixon (and, no, I am not directly comparing Trump to Nixon, but the hassling they get by the media, etc was/is similar, whether or not one thinks it's deserved).
Today all is worse (or the perception is worse), I can def agree on that... people are getting thinner and thinner skins and it's because of the manner in which the internet is being used. Everything getting blasted everywhere on Twitter, FB, etc just makes it that much worse and that's the reason why it seems like Trump takes more grief. Social media is new: it came to prominence well into Obama's first term and has steadily gotten worse ("bigger") since then. I still maintain that the state of things (politics, shootings, etc) is partially an optical because of all the random shit being reported as news and all the publicized grievances that follow this "news" around in virtual space. Up until I was in my mid-20s all anyone had was TV, radio, and the newspapers. You can't blast mass media events via those old school methods as effectively. Most of what's in the news is meant to manipulate the reader/viewer anyway. It's why I iked Nightcrawler so much: pretty much right on the money with its grim manipulation of the masses.

The only news site I read anymore is NPR. It's the only thing even close to objectivity that I can find.

Johan_WoW says:
#19, Reply to #11

Jun '17
The problem is that I have yet to find someone who genuinely likes Trump or believes he actually can achieve the unrealistic (not to say shameful) promises he makes.
I have the feeling people who support him hate Hilary. It's not there was only 2 options but 99% keeps voting republican or democrat. I really don't believe such a big nation would only have 2 groups of people.
Like 30 years ago nationalist parties did well here for exactly the same propaganda Trump has been making.
That the media doesn't like him well what did u expect after accusing some of spreading fake news? Accusing other of lies while he is the biggest liar of them all?
I mean anyone of us here could be president and gets elected the way Trump did his campaign only lacking the money.

Box_a_Hair says:
#20, Reply to #19

Jun '17
what did u expect after accusing some of spreading fake news?

It's not just an accusation. There has been a LOT of fake news here ever since he started running. It's all part of a giant smear campaign, even though the other party already fucking lost. They're such sore losers.

Johan_WoW says:
#21, Reply to #20

Jun '17
Come on Box don't make it sound like Trump is or ever was a Saint before. I feel sorry that the mightiest country in the world cannot get someone competent. Trump makes Bush junior look like a genius. Anyway that was my last word on it, as I don't feel getting involved in pro and contra debate. Our stances are clear let's talk about more important things in life such as horror and trash.

#24, Reply to #20

Jun '17
There has been a LOT of fake news here ever since he started running.

It has gotten worse since then, but fake news has been around for a loooong time. I discovered these two vids just last night as I went down the rabbit hole of 9-11 and the attack (decades earlier) of the USS Liberty. 40 yrs. old and I Never heard of the Liberty before, but I 100% believe it and the hush up campaign afterwards.

These two vids aren't about that hough. Banfield and Nancy Grace make asses of themselves. And the two numbnuts with one gas mask and one helmet between them are worse actors than any of us have ever seen in a "bad" movie.

Its hilarious to watch until you remember that the producers and PTB that control the networks think we are stupid enough to fall for this crap.



These two liars were not in Saudi Arabia, but were on a staged CNN set. That starts at 3:15, the actual broadcast, before that its the guy goofing around on the same set.

zed says:
#23, Reply to #9

Jun '17 *
Hes been doing Brilliantly
Heres what Trump promised to the american people to do in his first 100 days with Legislation

1. TAX CUTS: bill not passed
4. MORE SCHOOL CHOICE: bill not passed
7. END ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: bill not passed
8. STOP VIOLENT CRIME: bill not passed
9. BOOST MILITARY: bill not passed
10. DRAIN THE SWAMP: bill not passed

OK granted that doesnt sound good, but its not like he hasn't been doing anything for the american people, he has talked tough with the Chinese and now the USA has won a major concession for dropping the imposition of a 45% tariff on China goods into the USA


Yes America you now have the rights to Trump Branded Prostitute's in China, speaking as a part american I'm glad the Trumpster is doing all he can to spread the Love around the world

#37, Reply to #23

Mar '23
You do realize in retrospect that every bill he put forward was shot down because Dems had a House majority at the time, right? You do understand how American politics work? Obama had the same problem during his presidency cause the shoe was on the other foot at the time.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.