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Nov '17
These are a list of horror movies on my watchlist that I plan on watching before the new year. Anyone seen any of these? I appreciate your feedback, please.

Frankenstein: The True Story (1973 TV Movie)
The House Where Evil Dwells (1982)
The Survivor (1981)
The Reincarnate (1971)
The Enchanted (1984)
Killer! (1989)
The Kindred (1987)
Invitation to Hell (1984 TV Movie)
Out of the Body (1989)
The Ogre A.K.A La casa dell'orco
Night Wars (1988)
Alison's Birthday (1981)
Psychic Killer (1975)
Night Angel (1990)
Abby (1974)
The Boneyard (1991)
Daughter of Darkness (1990 TV Movie)
Tattoo (1981)
Children of the Night (1991)
Flavia the Heretic (1974)
Ombre roventi (1970)
The Return of the Zombis (1973)
The Etruscan Kills Again (1972)
Tower of Evil (1972)
The Nature of Nicholas (2002)
The Reincarnation of Peter Proud (1975)
The Bride (1985)
Witchcraft (1964)
The Believers (1987)
Equinox (1970)
Cemetery of Terror (1985)
To Sleep with a Vampire (1993)
The Vineyard (1989)
Evil Stalks This House (1981 TV Movie)
Carne de tu carne (1983)
Blueblood (1974)

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Znep27 says:

Nov '17
The Boneyard is pretty good. It's a little cheesy, but it has some really great effects. And I don't know what it is about those zombie kids, but they are probably the creepiest things I've ever seen.

I've also seen The Kindred, Out of the Body, The Ogre, Equinox, and Cemetery of Terror. None of them left an impact on me, and I remember very little. I don't think any of them were necessarily bad though.

Gymnopedie says:
#2, Reply to #1

Nov '17
I have wanted to see The Boneyard for awhile now but i always seem to put it off. I have read reviews where people have said the zombie kids resemble dogs and were not particularly scary but I will have to give it a go.

Znep27 says:
#6, Reply to #2

Nov '17
They do not resemble dogs. There is, however, a giant zombie poodle. Maybe they were referring to that?

OnyxHades says:
#11, Reply to #2

Jan '18
I added The Boneyard to the theater. I watched it for the first time. It’s not bad, not great, but not bad.

BloodWank says:

Nov '17
Frankenstein: The True Story (1973 TV Movie)
The House Where Evil Dwells (1982)
The Survivor (1981)
The Reincarnate (1971) - I have this on VHS! Slow, talky, low key curio. I enjoyed it. Kinda anteresting and worthwhile if you're into its era of cheapo occult stuff.
The Enchanted (1984)
Killer! (1989)
The Kindred (1987) - A little neat FX work and Rod Steiger aside, pretty blah creature feature. Passes the time, mild amusement, not too memorable. Like, one scene alone stands out really.
Invitation to Hell (1984 TV Movie)
Out of the Body (1989)
The Ogre A.K.A La casa dell'orco
Night Wars (1988)
Alison's Birthday (1981)
Psychic Killer (1975)
Night Angel (1990)
Abby (1974) - Goofy-ass but really fun blacksploitation Exorcist rip off. William Marshall is commanding as ever, the score is funky, the shenanigans of course lower rent but still pleasing.
The Boneyard (1991)
Daughter of Darkness (1990 TV Movie)
Tattoo (1981)
Children of the Night (1991)
Flavia the Heretic (1974) - Terrific nunsploitation. Doesn't skimp on the sleaze and blood but at the same time its a grim and serious treatment of the shitty treatment of women in mediaeval patriarchal society. Good looking and well made too. Harsh, but most effective.
Ombre roventi (1970) - Cod-exotic Italian obscurity that never works up the pace, excitement or weirdness to compell. It's ok, sure, but totally inessential unless you're a completist of this kind of thing.
The Return of the Zombis (1973)
The Etruscan Kills Again (1972)
Tower of Evil (1972) - Goofy, patchily paced, very early 70's Britsploitation/proto-slasher. Cool location, fun cast, bit of blood and sleaze. Charming in its way, though by no means great.
The Nature of Nicholas (2002)
The Reincarnation of Peter Proud (1975)
The Bride (1985)
Witchcraft (1964)
The Believers (1987)
Equinox (1970)
Cemetery of Terror (1985)
To Sleep with a Vampire (1993)
The Vineyard (1989)
Evil Stalks This House (1981 TV Movie)
Carne de tu carne (1983)
Blueblood (1974)

Gymnopedie says:
#4, Reply to #3

Nov '17
Thanks for your reply. I am intrigued by The Reincarnate (1971) - does it fall more on the spiritual/philosphical side of things? It seems very dialogue driven from the reviews I read.

BloodWank says:
#5, Reply to #4

Nov '17
I would say it does, yes. Not much in the way of action or scares, more thoughtful, low key and intriguing.

Gymnopedie says:
#8, Reply to #5

Nov '17 *
I just seen it today. I thuught it was terrific, really great. Deeply mystical and spiritual movie, full of philosophical quips, and truly thought-stirring. 9 for me.

BloodWank says:
#9, Reply to #8

Nov '17
Ah, glad you liked it. Think I would have given it a 7/10 myself. Hope it gets a proper re-release some day as my VHS is pretty scrappy looking.

Yakko says:

Nov '17
Equinox and The Believers are total crap. 0/10. Worthless.

I'm not sure about Daughter of Darkness. I saw a movie called that a long time ago, but not sure it was a TV movie. It was a vampire movie and it was awful. 0/10 on that one too.

I liked Psychic Killer, The Bride, and The Survivor.

The Kindred is one of those movies everyone knows is bad but they like it anyway. It needs a Blu-ray release.

Invitation to Hell was fun. Super-hot Susan Lucci as a female demon, and a space suit that's impervious to everything.

Frankenstein: the True Story I remember liking but it's been a really long time. I've had a DVD of it for several years now but haven't gotten to watching it. It was a miniseries so it's pretty long. It stuck pretty close to the original book in most respects if I remember correctly.

Tower of Evil was okay except for some bad set designs and terrible make-up for the killer.

I haven't seen the rest.


Nov '17
Equinox is interesting more for how it got made and released and how it obviously inspired or at least gave Sam Raimi the seed of an idea for The Evil Dead.

If you like camera tricks over CGI, and some neat but crude looking stop motion monsters, and super low budget regional movies that are a labor of love it is worth a watch.

It started out as an amateur film made by teenage friends (Dennis Muren and Dave Allen, that I remember) got bought by producer Jack Harris, and everyone was brought back to film more scenes. And tweaked the script, mainly adding the character of Asmodeus.

One of the stars played Herb Tarleck on WKRP In Cincinatti. There is a good scene with a driverless car and it has a nice shock ending.

I also like Dave Allen's animated stop motion short "The Magic Treasure" too.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.